Example sentences of "that i believe " in BNC.

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1 I said that I believed it would now be right to give some indication of the Government 's attitude to the building of a tunnel .
2 Even that I believed , but the lipstick on his underpants ‘ administered by a gay dwarf in drag , brushing past me in the men 's showers ’ was a bit much .
3 He said it with such heartfelt force that I believed him .
4 ‘ When I first watched Michael Chang play tennis , ’ Jose recalls , ‘ I told several people that I believed Chang could do well at the French Open .
5 The trainers introduced an exercise that I believed was too complicated for a number of people in the group to understand .
6 They are also exempt from the demands of examination passing , assessment , and certification , that I believe have a more distorting effect in the teaching of literature than in other academic areas .
7 ‘ So , given that I have a political opportunity , I tend to become an enthusiast harnessing the forces that are at work , trying to get the best out of them , trying to use them for the political purposes that I believe in .
8 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
9 he was so carried away with Newley that I believe quite unconsciously , Newley crept into Bowie 's voice and , as you know , he 's been accused of copying Tony Newley , but I do n't think he was really aware of what he was doing at that time .
10 THE ELECTION has now become so thunderingly dull that I believe the viewing ratings on telly have never been lower .
11 It would take far too long to tell you in detail how I identified the specific genetic patterns of these chromosomes ; you 'll have to accept my assurance that I believe I did identify them . ’
12 This does n't mean that I have slopped believing , but only that I believe in my own way .
13 The first benefit that I believe we have gained is a better ability to define what are and are not suitable tasks for the application of AI , in particular expert systems .
14 It is just that I believe they are probably more rare than is claimed .
15 Not that I believe the people raised this statue to me ,
16 But planetary consciousness is something I definitely do believe in , in that I believe the planet is an organism in itself
17 His marriage with the lovely Susy , designed to give him stability , peace and quiet — things that I believe James actually , despite occasional appearances to the contrary , cherishes — had broken up .
18 Although I have serious reservations about the methodology of most of these studies ( in that they are far too pessimistic about the ability of the business community to respond to changing circumstances following changing relative prices ) and although some of the shortages which appear are due not so much to the limits of nature as the intervention and regulation of governments , nevertheless they raise sufficiently serious doubts about such things as the effects of carbon dioxide and the present lack of adequate recycling that I believe they must be taken seriously .
19 More than that I believe that what is right needs to be said .
20 And I 'm so confident that I believe I can beat anyone — starting with Bowe .
21 and in rugby so much can happen so quickly that I believe we have earned that 50–50 chance . ’
22 That I believe something , expect something , or whatever , is not something I find out about by observation .
23 Your implication that the high handed attitude of the LTA has contributed to the demise of junior tennis in this country is so far removed from the truth that I believe it bears some examination .
24 Beyond that I believe we can not go , although there are occasionally tantalizing groups of poems on related themes , either brought together by the editor/printer or composed as deliberate variations on a theme , and perhaps copied out on a ‘ sheet ’ of paper , folio size , folded ( which we know was a unit of composition and occasionally payment in Elizabethan poetry and drama ) .
25 In looking at routes to permanence I have already indicated that I believe that long-term fostering will be the best route for a number , albeit a diminishing number , of children in care .
26 What I am expressing is a tentative belief that it is raining , not the belief ( or awareness of the fact ) that I believe that it is raining .
27 That I believe now it 's run by the ladies that took over some while ago .
28 ‘ The truth is , ’ says Nicky , ‘ that I believe we have the perfect partnership .
29 ‘ As an ex-sex symbol ’ , Miss Dors confessed , ‘ I usually amaze those who pose the question by saying that I believe the permissive society HAS gone too far . ’
30 Not that I believe in this God of yours , you understand . "
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