Example sentences of "that the trouble " in BNC.

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1 Nutty suspected that the trouble was Spotty , rather than Jazz , who had started off with plenty of confidence , but now , because his pony was old and unwilling , got dispirited by its lack of co-operation .
2 Some people find that the trouble begins when they have the builders in and the house undergoes some kind of dramatic redesigning .
3 The Tibetan , growing ugly and aggressive , and slurring his speech , said that the trouble with Kalchu — like everyone else round here — was that he was ignorant , backward .
4 I warned him that the trouble would probably recur , but with a smile he said , ‘ If it does , I will go for another ride in a bullock cart ! ’
5 But it 's when Mansell takes his helmet off that the trouble starts .
6 The psychoanalyst J. A. Hadfield has brilliantly shown that the trouble with this type of approach , even with material from one 's own culture , is that it is essentially arbitrary .
7 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
8 The chances are high that the trouble stems from a false assumption .
9 Removal can be effected by the addition of sodium bisulphite , but the source of the chlorine should be located and stopped , so that the trouble does not persist .
10 Well yeah but you see that the trouble is they 've been now two if not three pilot phases
11 We ventured to ask him what he was writing , and he replied that the trouble with being a publisher was that one was so absorbed in other people 's books as to have insufficient time and energy to devote to one 's own .
12 Their housing spokesman recently Mr Mayor was quoted as saying that the trouble is it is very difficult to think of a solution .
13 Personally , I think that the trouble in Manchester could be traced to inadequacies regarding the stewarding arrangements .
14 Jane Rodin , prosecuting , told Kirkby magistrates that the trouble started two days before the incident , in which a 16year-old girl was shot .
15 that the trouble is it affects us you see
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