Example sentences of "that sounds [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
2 Is he , perhaps , a greater poet and a great operatic tenor who merely sings pretentious bollocks in a voice that sounds as if he 's drowning in his own snot as a sort of joke ?
3 it has , about eight week 's , must be er that sounds as if the wash has finished , you fancy any thing ?
4 So that sounds as if you favour the idea of selling off shares .
5 ‘ Semitic hieroglyphs ’ found in Peruvian jungle city Orthodox archaeologists are sceptical about a claim that sounds like a Hollywood dream .
6 ‘ From where I 'm lying that sounds like another woman saying , it 's me or her or else . ’
7 It makes at the same time a characteristic noise that sounds like a burp .
8 In the early scenes she sometimes seems less like a human than a terrified wild animal , and she is in extraordinary form in her first public apppearance at Mrs Higgins 's tea party , moving with the stiffness of an automaton and speaking in a voice that sounds like a Martian after a course at the Berlitz .
9 There is something in his voice that sounds like regret ; he likes to be inside the minds of craftsmen of 400 years ago , making the furniture , building the house .
10 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a gives a definition of love that sounds like a description of consideration and integrity personified .
11 Most people , if they can play something that sounds like something that they 've heard on a record , are in danger of falling into the trap of saying , ‘ A-ha !
12 The real treat of the evening , however , is their version of Bowie 's ‘ She Shook Me Cold ’ where poppy nostalgia is transformed into something that sounds like the soundtrack for a Kenneth Anger movie .
13 Sadly not , as I had thought , a record by King Beer called ‘ Animals That Swim ’ , ‘ King Beer ’ is a slow sort of talking ballad that sounds like a posh Jonathan Richman having a muse and a chorus that arrives very late in the song indeed .
14 When they hear something that sounds like prey , they move their heads until the frequency is the same in both ears , then keep their heads exactly in position and fly straight towards the sound .
15 ‘ There 's one track that sounds like it was written by someone much older than me , someone with experience who 's married with three kids . ’
16 And avoid anything that sounds like fighting — and anyone who looks dead .
17 Oh I did n't know that actually but er fine yes I mean er that sounds like a very good idea .
18 ‘ There 's one track that sounds like it was written by someone much older than me , someone with experience who 's married with three kids . ’
19 well to be quite honest I mean th that sounds like good er justification as far as I 'm concerned for moving a moving her work to somebody else or moving her on to somebody else
20 and , and you , you have to say another word that sounds like it .
21 Mine do n't want to come at all , my dad said good god that sounds like a waste of time .
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