Example sentences of "that looked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I turned my head away quickly , but I had had time to take in another feature — his rather sharp , small nose that looked as if it might have been broken in a boxing match .
2 The gentleman to whom I was presented was an upright , elderly man with piercing eyes and a chin that looked as if he would stand no nonsense .
3 Delaney stood with one foot on the hull of the craft that looked as if it owed more to space technology than to marine engineering .
4 Ray Shepherd was a tall man with a craggy , lined face that looked as if it had once been weathered but was now the colour of chalk .
5 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
6 In the part in which she was standing was a small table and two chairs and an iron contraption that looked as if it might be used for some form of heating .
7 The bomber that looked as if it was always flying downhill is the subject of this account of 4 Group 's operations during 1939 and 1940 .
8 ‘ I believe we 're the only ones left , ’ said Jed as they stopped at East Acton , a rather dark little station that looked as if it might be out in the country .
9 Conversely , flame-coloured harridans that looked as if only Agent Orange could stop them curled up and died of aristocratic pique at the advancing hordes of dandelions .
10 Communism had been his religion , the romantic , revolutionary communism of 1917 and Petrograd and the streets full of soldiers and sailors and workers and red flags and armoured cars that looked as if they were made of galvanised steel buckets , and the cruiser Aurora out on the river with its searchlight blazing — now there was a fairground panel he could have painted if only he could have got away with it — but it was n't the same any more .
11 The walls were lined with bookshelves , each shelf crammed with books , mostly in long sets of leather-bound volumes that looked as if they had not been read , or touched , or even dusted for a very long time .
12 But it was , in fact , a bundle of dark clothing that looked as if it had been hurled against the far wall of the darkened yard .
13 There was a heavy entrance door that looked as if it might be airtight , but it was wedged back .
14 One of them was a slim pamphlet that looked as if it might be the catalogue .
15 He was dressed in a suit that looked as if it needed pressing .
16 Looking down at the river , she could see that the level had dropped , uncovering lines of bricks on the wall beneath them that looked as if they rarely saw the sun .
17 Rupert repeated his earlier greeting and came towards her with a glass jug that looked as if it contained some kind of cocktail .
18 He was thankful she was n't wearing boots but her hair had disappeared again under an awful black felt hat that looked as if it might have been her father 's , and when she handed her coat in at the cloakroom she kept the hat on .
19 There were swift and dramatic changes of scenery , from towering mountains to beautiful , peaceful valleys , wooded and secret , places that looked as if no man had ever discovered them .
20 Long , unkempt hair , several missing teeth , and a nose that looked as if it had met more than one fist in its owner 's lifetime did nothing for his general appearance .
21 She had taken , this spring , to a sort of generalized reverence that looked as if it was planned to accommodate any new religion to which her son or his girl-friend might have become attached .
22 On her head was a hat that looked as if someone had dropped a large meringue on her head .
23 She was wearing a chartreuse dress that looked as if it had been spray-painted on .
24 He had plenty of routine , and a new one that looked as if it might be interesting : the murder of a whole family in a bright new Span house in Blackheath .
25 In the forests of the Mesozoic there were large numbers of trees and shrubby plants that looked at first glance like palm trees , with leafless stems crowned with bouquets of stiff , large leaves , deeply divided into long , unbranched leaflets .
26 In essence behind the austere language is the fact that Epictetus had a philosophy and system that looked at all events from a higher viewpoint .
27 They achieved this by combining two different methods : a longitudinal study , following the same children for four years from before they were able in read until they had been at school for two or three years ; and a training programme that looked at the effect of giving pre-school children specific training in categorising sounds .
28 Several trials that looked at cancer prevention were not considered within the scope of this analysis .
29 I turned away , no longer able to face the eyes that looked at me so coldly in the gleam of the dashboard light .
30 Eventually , though , she found a number that looked at least hopeful and began dialling .
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