Example sentences of "that once [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In Russia itself , the nuclear industry that once supported whole cities , such as Chelyabinsk east of the Urals , and Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk in Siberia , is facing a crisis .
2 The indies also have a role in picking up those that once recorded for a major label , like the Dutch singer , Mathilde Santing .
3 However , our own observations show that once invited to submit a proposal , a school 's case is subject to the same criteria as any other , and that these criteria are fairly rigorously applied .
4 Now it seems that the goodwill that once existed has been largely destroyed .
5 This was essentially a room for transacting business , though if Fournier 's picture is reliable , the Emperor seems to have sat at an inconvenient height at his desk in a small chair , covered in green plush , so low that once seated in it , writing must have been difficult .
6 Featherstone is another area that once relied on coal and it is also where I taught for 12 years as deputy head of a comprehensive school which I established .
7 Yet recent research has shown that the village was the centre of a great late Saxon estate that once extended north-east to Towcester , south-east to Buckingham , north to Chipping Warden and west perhaps well into Oxfordshire , and was also the site of a great Saxon minster church .
8 A strong ‘ affective tone ’ accompanies these consummatory reactions so that once stimulated an animal may show a motivated persistence in completing the behavioural event that finalizes the sequence .
9 Most of them are sandstones or limestones that were laid down at the bottom of the shallow seas that once covered this part of North America .
10 Red Lion Square , covering about half an acre at the most , and mostly taken up by the Great North Road , represents just the shrunken remains of a market place that once covered about five times that area .
11 Yet again , the idea is that once created the watch is self-sufficient and requires no further help from its divine craftsperson .
12 The White Paper on changes to the Scottish legal profession published yesterday by Malcolm Rifkind , the Secretary of State for Scotland , says that once trained , Scottish solicitors should have unrestricted rights of audience in the higher courts , with the standard of performance achieved in training as the sole test .
13 The army of herders and small farmers that once destroyed wild dogs as a question of principle has gone off to work at FIAT .
14 There was a book called The Young Visitors that once made a lot of money . ’
15 He passed the walls of monasteries that once echoed to the chants of the Greyfriars , the Whitefriars and the Blackfriars , past guildhalls where merchants had convened to discuss the business of the world when Henry VIII was executing his wives down the road at the Tower , past delicate little churches designed by Wren in the aftermath of the Great Fire of 1666 .
16 Next to the People 's Drug supermarket is a multi-ethnic restaurant that once advertised Persian food , in English and Persian , but has now prudently changed the latter to a more vague ‘ international ’ .
17 But today 's beach games are n't quite the volleyball and handball that once kept a generation fit .
18 Even more striking were the elephants that once lived on Malta , and were only about a metre in height .
19 I am pleased that the standards on the transport of live animals generally are approaching British standards and are no longer the low standards that once obtained .
20 Clinton 's explanation for this brazen reversal of his campaign promises — that once elected he found the figures to be worse than he had thought — may be glibness on a heroic scale , yet the increases have the virtue of consistency with the rest of the package .
21 This notion entirely replaces the old body — mind dichotomy that once dominated Western thought .
22 And it seems to me there is a grave danger that once established as open countryside and in an area in need of protection , it will be heavens only job to move that in future years .
23 Opening rounds of 85 and 78 at the qualifying school in Montpellier have wrecked his chance of a 1993 tour card and he is close to quitting a game that once promised millionaire status .
24 The Director General of the Ministry of Culture , Francesco Sisinni has made it clear that once restored in the Florence Istituto Centrale del Restauro the bronzes will return to Brindisi .
25 In a recent well-publicised controversy a group of scientists claimed to have obtained results whereby water that once had a certain substance in it continued to behave as if the substance was present even after the substance had been removed ; as if the water retained a ‘ memory ’ of the substance .
26 Other practices that once held up the flow of the dance were the continual closing in 5th position before a new step and the continual moving of the arms through 1st position at every change of weight or during a ports de bras .
27 The structure of a dolphin flipper resembles the bone structure of an arm and hand with lingers , and a dolphin still has pelvic bones and remains of hipbones that once held limbs .
28 Where root crops are fed on the ground to cattle the rabbit has easy pickings and it remains interested and satisfied with the debris littering a field that once held a root crop .
29 The same regions that once benefited from growth in these industries have , subsequently , suffered economic decline and depression .
30 It is therefore not surprising that once assembled , the Congress exuded a strong oralist flavour .
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