Example sentences of "that according [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though I do not desire to stray into fields where others here are expert , I must point out that according to the first chapter of Genesis the world was so constituted from the beginning that good and evil were created together in it , and also that the knowledge of them existed before mankind .
2 Clarissa could only say glumly that according to the newspapers , the Finns were doing very well at any rate , and how mean Charles 's officers were not to give him a bit more Embarkation Leave .
3 Sir , It was interesting to note in FARMERS WEEKLY ( Machinery , July 12 ) that according to your report , the French plough maker Naud has spend the past two years investigating the potential of the UK market .
4 Next let it be considered , that the following law seems to hold in our attainment of knowledge , that according to its desirableness , whether in point of excellence , or range , or intricacy , so is the subtlety of the evidence on which it is received .
5 The whole route was lined by men of the Cent-Gardes , whose immobility was such that according to one guest ‘ they might have been statues ’ , but she felt unable to study them in detail , so terrified was she of slipping on the highly polished parquet that her whole mind was fixed on arriving safely at the dining room .
6 In January 1964 , when Hegarty complained about imbalance in corporation employment , Alderman Gerald Glover , for the Unionists , was able to point out that according to the records , ninety-nine appointments out of one hundred were agreed by all members of the corporation .
7 This is despite the fact that according to the law report the police officers did not know to which specific pits the pickets were travelling and that some of the evidence of violence on which the police officers relied was that which they had gathered from press and television reports .
8 He complained that according to English Law he could not marry a woman , and that thus he was denied the right to marry and found a family .
9 Darwin at the end of one of his books wrote that according to the unchanging world of his critics , there had been the fall of man into sinfulness and mankind were forever doomed to hopelessness , whereas in his ( Darwin 's ) theory of evolution , man had come from an inferior form , and because of this continuous progress , he commands a limitless potential .
10 Rubbish , of course , but Dr Forster , the meteorologist of Bruges , declared that according to the journal kept by his grandfather , father and self , from 1767 to the 1880s , whenever the new Moon had fallen on Saturday the following 20 days were wet and windy , in 19 cases out of 20 .
11 The reader is reminded that according to the reasoning of this book , the ‘ events ’ have always been the direct result of the satisfying of ‘ desire ’ , the existence of which is the basic presumption relegated to pre-life and therefore having no direct relevance to the Created God .
12 A police officer reported that ‘ in some villages the young men are brought up from their childhood with the idea that according to ancient Kandyan custom the highland on which the [ coffee ] estate has been opened belongs by right of inheritance to the village below and in helping themselves they are only taking the rent of the ground . ’
13 The last point is demonstrated by the fact that according to Johnson 's definition neither a lawyer working for a company nor a lawyer working for a neighbourhood centre would be a professional .
14 For several weeks , Apple Computer Inc has been showing to developers prototypes of those two new high-end computers that according to US PC Week could create a breakthrough in performance and multimedia capabilities .
15 He points out that according to the recollections of Dr Sandison , Deputy Superintendent from 1954 to 1964 , it had been difficult to fill the beds at Powick with patients admitted from the county and that admissions from such places as Birmingham , outside the catchment area , often of severely disabled people , were accepted .
16 Another way of putting this would be to say that Althusser demonstrated that according to the protocols of conventional logic , history is impossible .
17 After all , if ‘ the system ’ really was bent upon the form of totalizing control that according to Foucault psychoanalysis , for example , enables , it is worth recalling that psychoanalysis has never been adopted by the state as such and that its activities remain confined to a few very limited districts in a handful of prosperous cities round the world .
18 Inspector Brian Jaggs , of Braintree police , said yesterday that according to the alarm company the only way the £8,000 car could have been taken was to be physically removed by trailer , and it was likely it was stolen to order .
19 Although , in some instances , it is possible to ratify some breaches of fiduciary duty , it would appear that according to the Privy Council ruling in Cook v.
20 The 1931 B minor Sonata is also far superior to a later version from 1933 ( although the space between Cortot 's various recordings was often narrow , his performances , while retaining their essential outward characteristics , varied in detail , biased this way or that according to the heat and inspiration of the moment ) with a ravishing second subject in the opening Allegro maestoso and a central quaver flow in the Largo in which melody and counter-melody swell and recede like some magical sea .
21 It finds that according to the dictionary definitions there is a link between ’ ate ’ and ’ fork ’ in that they both have the phrase ’ taking up ’ in common .
22 According to Mrs Baldwin , whose account was more immediate , the words were : ‘ Sir , this is a very grave decision and I am deeply grieved ’ ; but the significant difference is that she adds : ‘ and he went on to tell him that according to some legal opinion the divorce ought not to have been granted , that there were certain aspects of it that in any ordinary case would not have gone through . ’
23 The nature of the mining industry with its shiftwork , its tradition of generation following generation ‘ down the pit ’ , and the isolation of most of the pit villages ( the majority of them built by the pit-owners : Bacon , 1986 ) , meant that according to Chaplin ( 1978 , p. 77 )
24 In so far as the United Kingdom might wish to argue that it itself has the right under the Convention to retain requirements such as those at issue , reference can also be made to the court 's judgment in Commission of the European Economic Community v. Italian Republic ( Case 10/61 ) [ 1962 ] E.C.R. 1 , from which it appears that according to the principles of international law , a member state which , by virtue of the entry into force of the E.E.C .
25 In deciding to impose the restrictions set out in paragraph 4 above , the board also gave weight to the fact that according to Norwich Union 's letter to the Chief Executive of 18 October 1990 , that company had no contractual power to suspend the Winchester Group pending the conclusion of the investigation in the absence of Lautro intervening under rule 7.3 .
26 It is worth adding at this point , in the context of discussion of the cost burden of the elderly , that according to further calculations by David Thomson ( 1987 ) based on Family Expenditure Survey data , the share of national resources going to the elderly has not risen proportionately with their numbers over the past two decades .
27 Yet it seems that according to Lord Diplock such reasoning is merely the invention of a fancied ambiguity , which is no reason for denying the ‘ plain ’ meaning of a statute .
28 ‘ Do you know , Bathsheba , that according to the lawyers , you can remarry seven years after your husband 's supposed death , that is , six years from now ?
29 Do you realize that according to some strange Scottish law about dynasties , Cora-Beth is now heir to the title and the Kinmuire estate ?
30 Another difficulty with the idea of a static universe was that according to Newton 's law of gravity , each star in the universe ought to be attracted toward every other star .
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