Example sentences of "that student can " in BNC.

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1 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
2 This means that students can take full advantage of the Faculty 's wide range of academic and material resources .
3 A benefit of the course structure is that students can choose topics of special interest in their final year depending on their results in Years I and 2 and their experiences on placement .
4 Lester Lefton and Laura Valvatne even use psychology to help the student with pep paragraphs about being motivated and a stream of ‘ progress checks ’ and ‘ selftests ’ so that students can monitor their mastery .
5 Over recent years schoolteachers and others concerned with the teaching of languages have ‘ puzzled their brains ’ about the role of grammar in language learning , and some maintain that students can manage without it .
6 Why is it that students can cope with doing a degree but ca n't handle the simplest everyday tasks ?
7 Codes ( explained in clear tables ) show how headphrases are used in typical sentence patterns so that students can make confident active use of the idioms they look up .
8 The language study section provides clear explanations of grammar , and follows on with exercises so that students can practise and consolidate new language .
9 Oxford Practice Grammar contains over a hundred double-page units with the exercises facing the explanations so that students can glance across from the exercises to the rules and back .
10 An effective monitoring , or " tracking " system must therefore be established to ensure : I. that students are able to redeem their Compact entitlement when their formal education is completed , and 2. that students can continue to participate in Compact either in a school sixth form or a college of further education .
11 Here , at a Swedish medical school , a pig has just been shot , so that students can practise taking out the bullet .
12 It is wise to vary the drilling order so that students can not calculate when their turn will come and have a lot of time to prepare their next sentence .
13 In other words , the more that students can bring to the course , the more they will take away from it .
14 ‘ It shows that students can reach standards of excellence that are capable of impressing the most critical judges .
15 The intention is that students can obtain and HNC after one year , an HND after two years and a general degree in EEG after three .
16 The bulk of them , incidentally , are not in the University , some are , but they are in places that students can get to after their work , or easily from their families and their towns and villages throughout the , the county .
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