Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb -s] he [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To the insensitive , theological talk seems as redundant as a prescription to a man who thinks he is well or a recipe to a man who is overfed or another cheque to a billionaire .
2 Without a reinforcing reputation he might simply be classed as a ‘ Bullshitter ’ — the boy who thinks he 's hard but is n't and rejected accordingly .
3 The display territory must be at least as large as the floor area of your tank — and so yours undoubtedly supposes that any female who visits him is ready to spawn .
4 The Book of Proverbs makes it clear that happiness and discipline go hand in hand from the beginning of our lives : ‘ He who spares the rod hates his son , but he who loves him is careful to discipline him . ’
5 The results come hard on the heels of a forecast by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency , who says he is confident that a series of factors will lead to a ‘ relaunch ’ of nuclear power in a few years ' time .
6 Who says he 's right ?
7 Who says he 's wrong ?
8 Who says he 's wrong ?
9 But the unions say any member who fears he 's developed cancer becuase of his work should contact them immediately
10 AN IRA terrorist who claims he was involved in more than a dozen killings while acting as a police informer was arrested yesterday .
11 ‘ My trouble is , ’ Fred would say , ‘ I 'm the only one in here who knows he 's mad . ’
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