Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [is] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right cos what it is erm we 'd like if , if possible to get like a daily list of who 's due to appear on Pebble Mill where pop stars and T V stars are worth a damn sight more in newspapers than ne hard news these days it er should n't be a bad idea for us to try and get a , get in on who 's , you know , who 's coming in to appear .
2 Or even just one who 's nice to look at .
3 One last time the name is going to be talked about in the circles that bother about these things and it 's all to do with Mrs Thatcher who 's prone to say about her enemies vanity , vanity , all is vanity .
4 " I do n't know exactly where " e shall go , but we 'll take anyone who 's ready to come with us .
5 It 's offering ten pounds to anyone who 's prepared to stand in line with a suspect , and is hoping that people of all ages , colours , shapes and sizes will come forward .
6 On top of that , there 's the Buckingham MP George Walden who 's likely to abstain on the whole bill .
7 Geoff , who is due to retire at Christmas , started work in April 1943 with Armstrong Siddeley Motors in Coventry , as a fourteen-year-old trainee in the works order office .
8 In particular , ‘ Big Al ’ , one of Scotland 's all-time great jumpers , is surprised at the omission of Appleson in favour of the veteran Peter Dods , 34 , who is due to retire after the tour .
9 Tennant succeeds Lord Carrington who is due to retire after a five-year term as Chairman of Christie 's International next May .
10 Tucker , who is due to retire in the autumn , said : ‘ I regard the honour as a tribute to the work of Navy News staff past and present , and I 'm particularly proud of the fact that ours has always been virtually an in-house production .
11 He will replace existing director Donald Main , who is due to retire in 1995 .
12 His fortunes are those of a solitary who is due to return to his people and to chance it with them in a further foreign place .
13 Mm and I was just wondering if that is your girl who is due to come at a quarter past six then she erm
14 The plan meets the garrulous approval of the exiled monarch Wladislas , who calls himself ‘ a middle-class professional man ’ and who is relieved to escape from the rivalry of priests and nobles and the expense of entertaining courtiers of extravagant tastes who ‘ love dressing up in uniforms , putting on swords and attending state balls ’ and whose appetites are such that ‘ a bullock roasted whole and a couple of pigs go no distance at a supper table in Lystria ’ .
15 But to win , he knows he has to beat first his team-mate Alain Prost who is keen to return to winning ways and regain the leadership of the championship and also overcome the tremendous challenge of Ayrton Senna .
16 Wait near the toilet for any resident who is unsafe to leave on their own and help them back to their room .
17 Jim Cotterill and Lorrie Austin , who is obliged to play in a police match , are also out , but Andrew Kennedy , the Grammar schoolboy who has been piling on the runs , is available .
18 Jim Cotterill and Lorrie Austin , who is obliged to play in a police match , are also out , but Andrew Kennedy , the Grammar schoolboy who has been piling on the runs , is available .
19 The teacher always has to operate within a number of constraints such as agreed syllabuses , governors ' wishes , heads of department , parental pressures , and so on , which mean that he or she is the only person who is competent to decide on content and method .
20 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that a woman who is entitled to return to work , but is made redundant while still on maternity leave , is to be regarded as unfairly dismissed if the employer does not offer a suitable alternative vacancy or prove that no such vacancy exists .
21 In a recent decision the Employment Appeal Tribunal has confirmed that a woman who is entitled to return to work but is made redundant while still on maternity leave , is to be regarded as automatically unfairly dismissed if the employer does not offer a suitable alternative vacancy or prove that no such vacancy exists ( see John Menzies GB Ltd v Porter [ 1992 ] 457 Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin 13 ) .
22 But we approach that independent question using a different set of principles , among which might be found the principle just mentioned , that any member of the corporation who is entitled to share in its profits must share in its responsibilities as well .
23 A landlord who is entitled to enter on the determination of a lease may , on re-entry , sue for any trespass since the lease determined .
24 But at least Lewis is a fighting man who is eager to climb over the top of the trenches and go into battle to earn his rights .
25 One of the most important factors in any election campaign is finding out who is likely to vote for you — canvassing .
26 Duclos-Lasalle , 37 , who is likely to retire at the end of the season , converted two previous second places , a fourth and sixth , into victory when he arrived alone on the velodrome at Roubaix to one of the warmest welcomes in the long history of the race .
27 The justification for protection in these circumstances is that a businessman who is willing to deal on the other party 's standard terms and conditions is probably unable to negotiate a special deal due to an inequality of bargaining power .
28 This is because many children want to talk about the subject but can not find an adult in whom to confide or who is willing to talk about it .
29 Then there is the hon. Member for Coventry , South-East ( Mr. Nellist ) , who is willing to go to prison for his views .
30 ( 2 ) Subject to paragraph ( 1 ) above , the Company may by ordinary resolutions in general meeting appoint any solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is willing to act to be a Director , either to fill a vacancy or as an additional Director .
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