Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb mod] [verb] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is not so much that the invading spirit is definitively exorcized from its human host , as that the host learns to live with her familiar who may make his presence felt whenever his mistress is in difficulties .
2 Retention is at the whim of the user , ( often under threat from the system manager ) who may delete his copy when the pressure on space forces a clear out .
3 That the petitioners beg earnestly to press the consideration of these circumstances upon the Presbytery in the hope that they shall use every effort to obtain services of some servant of Christ who may promote his cause among so neglected and spiritually destitute a community , to which perhaps a parallel will not be found in the Highlands of Scotland .
4 To an incoming Minister , who may owe his appointment more to adeptness in handling argument on paper or on the floor of the House of Commons , such inhibitions can come as an unwelcome surprise .
5 One man who may have his eye on it is David Mellor , Secretary for National Heritage .
6 And when a decision comes down , it comes down unexplained to an officer who must continue his relationship with the polluter .
7 A pilot who must restrict his flying to perfect weather and clear skies will find his aircraft tied to the ground for most of the year , but if he has the ability to control his aircraft accurately whatever the weather , and is qualified to fly confidently from airport to airport under instrument flying conditions , only the very worst weather , fog , ice or severe thunderstorms will restrict his plans .
8 After James II 's death , and during the reign of Anne , Jacobites usually claimed that James Francis Stuart was the rightful heir to the throne , who should succeed his sister : it was not until after the Hanoverian succession that we find him being hailed as James III .
9 Who 'll tell his wife and kids that cos I do n't want to .
10 Who 'll tell his father ? ’
11 He 's not a man who 'll share his woman , and I do n't blame him .
12 For Marx , the peasant represented a conservative force because of his structural position in society , which separates him from those who might share his class interests .
13 Since Mandela 's release the issue of who might market his life-story has become unclear , but Mandela himself must be aware that his name carries enormous money-making potential .
14 In brief , the good leader , the man who could inspire his army , not merely he who could avoid the obvious pitfalls of generalship which Frontinus had pointed out , might be born with certain inherent qualities , but these had to be developed in the only way that could lead to success , through practice and experience .
15 It seemed he held all the cards — there were other agencies who could handle his business , and if he denied Grantham and Marsh the opportunity because of her stubbornness how could she explain it to Sebastian ?
16 Under his breath the man quietly cursed the interfering clerk who could bring his master 's grand design to nothing .
17 But it was easy to tell the stars apart Mickey was the one who could open his mouth and smile without looking like Goofy !
18 He invited a non-native English speaker , one who could cast his net across several disciplines and one who would agree to talk freely from notes rather than the traditional script .
19 One report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at a good speed round the block near his home , using " facial vision " .
20 He felt powerful , a winner , as if there was no one alive who could challenge his supremacy .
21 Forty years later William Hutton , who had once himself been a framework knitter , wrote that manufactures tended to decay when " plenty preponderates " , for a man who could support his family on three days ' labour would not work six .
22 In the Piano Concerto it was , of course , an asset to have a soloist who could keep his head amid all the intricate polymetrical pulsations of the first and third movements .
23 A Yorkshireman ( so who could doubt his knowledge of cricket ? )
24 He wants to , but his attempts are thwarted by an old enemy who could harm his wife 's business .
25 The sort of man who could have his pick of women , so why had n't he picked any ?
26 Oddjob from Goldfinger : who 'd want his job ?
27 After being the man who 'd sell his sister , he was about to become the man who 'd lost his wife .
28 European champion Benichou , who used to earn his living as a contortionist and highwire walker , showed amazing reserves of courage .
29 Mr Friere , who used to call his gallery fiction/non-fiction , decided to change its name when the gallery recently moved to more spacious quarters on Prince St.
30 PLEASE SETTLE an argument by telling me who was the comedian who used to end his act with the words ‘ That 's yer lot . ’
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