Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [verb] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stephen Day , Guinness marketing manager for Kaliber , who witnessed Smithwick 's demise , admits : ‘ Ale drinkers tend to be older and more settled in their habits than the new young trialists who tend to go for lager , so it was more difficult to persuade them .
2 air-hostesses who want to work for Oxfam ( but do n't — perhaps it 's the pay
3 Venables warned last night : ‘ Tottenham is a very big club and we only want players who want to play for Tottenham .
4 At school , however , Coleby had been one of those brainless nonentities who never belong entirely to any one social group , who seem destined for failure .
5 Three caring Cleveland folk who will heading for Romania on Thursday to help suffering orphans need more clothes and food to fill their seven-ton lorry and two Post Office vans .
6 A tour of great interest to walkers who like to search for holes in the ground , but having no appeal to others who do not , is provided by a visit to the Allotment , an area of moorland adjacent to the Gaping Gill complex .
7 Furthermore , the characteristics of those students who do opt for science show clear sex differences .
8 However , even historians who do search for truth may disagree in their interpretation of an event .
9 One is for Flowers for the Altar , one for St. Anthony which is given to the poor who come looking for help at various times of the day and night , and the third is for Sending a Sick Child to Lourdes , the cost of which is approximately £350 .
10 Well , while the vote has dismayed some , those who 've campaigned for years for the ordination of women into the priesthood are celebrating .
11 It 's been devastating for those who 've cared for Sefton .
12 Those who wish to apply for admission to these degrees should possess at least an upper second class honours degree or its equivalent and may well have a Masters ' degree .
13 All who have applied for admission to the school are to be taken to have expressed a preference for that school : section 6(4) .
14 ’ Information on the private housing arrangements or plans of those Army personnel who have applied for redundancy is not held by the Ministry of Defence . ’
15 Shortly after reading that I was fascinated to come across Hugh Seton-Watson 's account , in a book written 44 years ago , of how in Eastern Europe between the wars the word ‘ Communist ’ had become popular with the poor subjects of largely dictatorial regimes because their rulers used it as a term of abuse against ‘ ordinary men and women who have asked for reforms , protested against bureaucratic abuse , or resisted the gendarmerie in the execution of some wanton brutality . ’
16 Men who have preached for years in the city streets are now under the intimidation of RUC sergeants and police constables ’ .
17 The star of the bar , George Carman QC , main picture , and some who have called for Carman , clockwise from left : Peter Adamson , Coronation Street 's Len Fairclough ; Ken Dodd ; Jeremy Thorpe ; Maria Aitken ; Kevin Maxwell , second from left , photographed at the Social Security Select Committee , House of Commons , January 13 , 1992 ; and Jason Connery
19 Separate figures must be available for information not only for those selling and serving , but also for those who have prepared for ages beforehand in greenhouse and kitchen , in Davidson Room and Undercroft cupboard , and out at Currie where philately rules for a considerable time .
20 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
21 The quality of primary care teams varies greatly and the success in motivated practices who have opted for fundholding can not be extrapolated too far .
22 As the costs of landfill go on rising , such an approach will become more and more attractive to those who have to pay for waste disposal .
23 Other well known artists who have designed for Wedgwood have included James Tassie , Joseph Wright and Elizabeth Templetown .
24 The Minister must know that , when Conservative Members attack local authorities , they are attacking — sometimes unconsciously — dedicated men and women who have fought for years to get first-class old folk 's homes .
25 In working trials , there are a number of dogs who have qualified for CD and CDX , TD1 , TD2 .
26 Women often are as important as men in making and keeping these links , which is one reason why the importance of the kin network in employment frequently has been missed by other researchers , who have looked for people with the same surname .
27 … How can I , who have worked for unity … say ‘ Hey , Indonesian people , unite , unite , but … the Communists are not included ? ’ …
28 Police , who have appealed for information , described her attacker as about 40 , slim , with a thin face and close-shaved grey beard and moustache .
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