Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] n't [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Miss said somebody did that for me who did n't want to do their ordinary work .
2 Jock then tried to hit Denis , who was still swinging at Michael , who did n't want to hit his big brother , and stumbled back into Sean , who jumped to one side and collided with Pat Kelly , knocking his next drink out of his hand !
3 I could have resisted him until we were married , and I know he would have waited , but it was me who did n't want to wait .
4 Anne Besant , as a socialist member of the London School Board in the 1880s , was acutely distressed by the problems she saw of ‘ gaunt hunger-pinched men and women … decent folk who did n't want to keep their children ignorant , but sometimes there were no boots , sometimes there was a baby to feed , sometimes there were no food . ’
5 ‘ 'T WAS you who did n't want to marry me , ’ she cried , trying to drown out the tormenting echo .
6 Nor with the grumbling of people who did n't want to stand up when they 'd just sat down .
7 Oh , God , I bet he was some married creep who did n't want to know .
8 There were those who wanted to escape and thought that everyone else ought to want to , and there were those who did n't want to escape and who did n't want anyone else to want to either .
9 A friend of Arthur Allen , who did n't want to appear before the camera , has been particularly targeted .
10 A friend of Arthur Allen , who did n't want to appear before the camera , has been particularly targeted .
11 THOSE Millwall fans who did n't manage to rip up a piece of turf during the chaotic farewell scenes at The Den the other week will be glad to know they 'll have the chance to pick up some of the sacred turf next week in a special auction .
12 Thank you everybody who spoke , I 'm sorry to those who did n't manage to fit in .
13 There was little spring in the ancient planks and Miss Barnsdale towered beside the box horse , ready to yank at the arms of any child who did n't manage to leap over the rough leather back first time .
14 The hardest part was establishing the rhythm and co-ordination but luckily he 's a tolerant chap who did n't appear to mind when I got it wrong . ’
15 Acquired a companion who did n't stop talking for 5 or 6 miles — was n't even female !
16 ‘ Steady , Bessie , ’ said Joe , who did n't intend to ask the ultimate of any woman until he 'd acquired enough savings to put an end to his career as a forger .
17 Jeremiah comes across as a very sensitive man , who did n't like taking a message which was being ignored .
18 This is also the only way for motorists who have been refused permission at Killilan to use the private road , or who did n't like to ask , and are fit enough to do eight miles there and back on foot .
19 It was the main reason the party stayed so long the creature of the Magic Circle and the explanation for the exclusion , time and again , of otherwise talented party-members who did n't happen to have the right pedigree .
20 Cati fell silent , and watched Rosa , who did n't wait to hear Sabina 's voice rise to end the verse , but , shaking with sobs , fled to her room , and there hurled herself face down on the bed .
21 They wanted to hug , cuddle , kiss , make daisy chains and watch the ducklings running on the surface of the lake , but one was told to grow up and pay back the beastly Jews who were wicked people and had put daddy Schicklgruber out of work , another that anyone who did n't enjoy riding bare back across Asia splitting skulls was a sissy , the third that all Mensheviks carried a knife up their sleeve and needed purging .
22 They were innovators in that they were the first ones who did n't try to represent the melody as written .
23 This brought them a very high class of customer who did n't mind paying over the odds for something that little bit naughtier .
24 There she might find someone who did n't mind employing a traveller to clean out a stable or a pig-sty , or perhaps a kindly old woman might give her a crust .
25 He pushed that from his mind , and his mind filled instead with the face of a lad on a bicycle who 'd once been friendly , and the face of another who did n't mind playing Find the Penny in the hut on the golf-course .
26 And Rufus , who did n't mind appearing ingenuous in this area , said , ‘ I thought all firearms worked like that . ’
27 She pushed her way through a high-spirited crowd who did n't seem to notice her rudeness and followed him into the kitchen .
28 He put out his hand to touch the shiny paint but there was a man at the wheel who did n't seem to like Stuart .
29 They demolished Moseley , who did n't seem to know whether they were coming or going .
30 Sir John had then stamped off , muttering curses about public officials who did n't seem to care .
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