Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They seem to be a strangely ugly , ill-nourished lot , rather like the subhuman race in The Rime Machine who lived underground and fed upon the Beautiful People up above .
2 Charles Booth described how each district had its own peculiar flavour because of its distinctive occupational structure , a flavour that could be detected in the streets from observing the faces of the people who lived there and noticing what they carried :
3 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
4 For readers there were books and rooms set apart as libraries , and there were people who learnt a great deal and people who read furiously and learnt nothing .
5 ‘ The idea was developed by four brewers who got together and devised the system for brewing beer in a container ’ says Smillie .
6 When one day nobody could rouse him from his trailer , it was Lee Marvin who entered quietly and found a sombre , lonely , sad man .
7 That showed over and over again that on issues such as security of supply , reliability of delivery , documentation , handling of complaints , efficiency of ordering service , and in particular , communication , there were others who tried harder and did better .
8 He was a good king , and one who judged justly and feared God , and was bold in all his doings .
9 I rang Joy and Alan , who came immediately and stayed , apart from a quick lunch break , all day .
10 Tosh McKinlay , who scored once and forced Taylor to concede an own goal , Gary Mackay and Derek Ferguson all made a creative contribution to an enjoyable match .
11 There is a statue in the village to the most endearing Pyreneeist of them all , Count Henry Russell , Irish on his father 's side and Gas con on his mother 's , who climbed obsessively and made so many ascents of Vignemale — thirty in all — that in 1889 the authorities granted him a concession to it .
12 Juliet looked at David , who nodded slowly but said nothing .
13 One of the officers whispered to the CO who nodded abruptly but asked his next question with less obvious sarcasm .
14 Those who served here and went back to continue to live and serve at home which we represent .
15 She beckoned to Mrs Prynn , who stepped forward and put a crucifix into Jennifer 's hands .
16 After a theatrical demonstration by the instructor , everyone managed to perform this procedure satisfactorily , except for a young Second lieutenant medical student , who landed badly and broke his ankle .
17 She tried to hold it up against Constance who pulled away and said loudly , ‘ Yellow !
18 The Bishop turned to the Franciscan who swallowed nervously and nodded his assent .
19 Between 1824 and 1830 , the Nez Perce switched their allegiance from the British to the growing bands of free-spirited American mountain men , who traded generously and treated the Indians as equals .
20 Most importantly , you have to get in touch once more with the very real couple who laughed together and made love just for the pleasure of it .
21 She took her plight to the Bishop of Northampton , the Right Reverend Leo MacCartie , who listened quietly and told her : ‘ Father Christopher will receive prayer and counselling and will then be moved to other parts . ’
22 In the morning , Jack related his experience to his wife who listened sympathetically but reassured him that it must have been a nightmare .
23 In the small church across the way there is the most beautiful stained glass window that John Piper ever designed , celebrating his friend the Poet Laureate who worshipped here and lived in this well-loved rectory .
24 Leos scored tries through their scrum half Paul Mildenstein and fly half Ian Davidson , who converted both and kicked a penalty .
25 All eyes turned towards Rayne , who smiled apologetically and said , yes , that he had asked Vokins to bid on his behalf as he himself would be conducting the auction and it would clearly be difficult for him to put in bids and be auctioneer at the same time .
26 She looked over their heads and caught the eye of an acquaintance , who smiled faintly and dipped away in embarrassment , observing the quarantine imposed upon those recently bereaved .
27 Their best-known spokespeople were removed and replaced abruptly , without explanation , with new ones who smiled constantly while issuing contradictory statements and random exhortations .
28 It was applied to the birds by the ornithologist William Swainson ( 1789–1855 ) , who wrote extensively and produced a number of well illustrated works .
29 Sophie relayed the information to Mr Miller , who shrugged irritably and told her to be as quick as possible , but the traffic was heavy as she drove out of the town and all the time she was praying that the cat 's leg would not be really broken .
30 But none for this milksop , who backed away and threw little delicately-barbed darts and had such reliance on the supremacy of reason and words .
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