Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [adv] [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 who 'd just started working for them and he w he did n't look
2 Another layer of guilt was added for brighter children who acclimatised sufficiently to start pulling ahead of their classmates .
3 There were , of course , plenty of people who did not view catching a plane at the shriek of dawn , fighting for a patch of sand big enough to spread a handkerchief , suffering appalling hangovers from over-indulgence in Spanish ‘ champagne ’ , and arriving home burnt to a painful scarlet wearing a ridiculous hat and clutching a straw donkey too big to stand on the television , as travel .
4 There is a high incidence among high earners , the unemployed , separated men , those with 10 or more partners , and people who did not enjoy losing their virginity .
5 ‘ I think my parents were just the sort of people who did not like staying in one place for very long .
6 Acquired a companion who did n't stop talking for 5 or 6 miles — was n't even female !
7 Jeremiah comes across as a very sensitive man , who did n't like taking a message which was being ignored .
8 They wanted to hug , cuddle , kiss , make daisy chains and watch the ducklings running on the surface of the lake , but one was told to grow up and pay back the beastly Jews who were wicked people and had put daddy Schicklgruber out of work , another that anyone who did n't enjoy riding bare back across Asia splitting skulls was a sissy , the third that all Mensheviks carried a knife up their sleeve and needed purging .
9 This brought them a very high class of customer who did n't mind paying over the odds for something that little bit naughtier .
10 There she might find someone who did n't mind employing a traveller to clean out a stable or a pig-sty , or perhaps a kindly old woman might give her a crust .
11 He pushed that from his mind , and his mind filled instead with the face of a lad on a bicycle who 'd once been friendly , and the face of another who did n't mind playing Find the Penny in the hut on the golf-course .
12 And Rufus , who did n't mind appearing ingenuous in this area , said , ‘ I thought all firearms worked like that . ’
13 He was supported by David Buckley , who did n't consider using a consultant accountant as a weakness of management but as a strength .
14 I pushed by a couple of drunks who had just appeared bearing the same bottle of Hirondelle they 'd been using to get into parties all year and made my way upstairs .
15 Some of its humour happened to remind him of his friend Mike Nichols , who had just begun making a career directing plays on Broadway with the hit Neil Simon comedy Barefoot in the Park and Murray Schisgal 's Luv .
16 The headmaster , who had just finished dispensing multiracial condescension to Mr Patel and was now turning gratefully to Dr and Mrs Frome , gazed with ill-disguised apprehension in the direction of Mr McWhirter .
17 As she turned away , Rona , who had just finished serving , came and stood in front of him .
18 The Hereford , Hay and Brecon Railway was completed by Welsh contractor Thomas Savin — who had just finished building the main line through Welshpool — and opened in stages between 1863 and 1864 .
19 These were men who had just finished fighting a global war — a war which , it must be remembered , Britain had won — and global habits of mind naturally persisted .
20 She turned to the stranger who had just finished talking to a mechanic who was now giving her car the once-over .
21 This attitude was by no means confined to educated sceptics ; it was probably even more marked among the urban proletariat , who had largely abandoned churchgoing and were alienated from the established Church , which they identified with a repressive economic and social system .
22 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
23 They were beyond sense , and later , much later , when he met her mama and papa , who had not gone shopping after all , but were sitting patiently in Uncle Orrin 's drawing-room , and later still when Uncle Orrin and Aunt Nella arrived , and they all had luncheon together , the lovers ' happiness was so patent that Jared Tunstall thought that his wilful daughter had found her true love at last .
24 Alida Thorne , who had not finished eating , listened , her thick jaws chomping up and down , her back turned just perceptibly to Dorothea .
25 She was , after all , only a young woman of twenty , who had not finished growing up .
26 It was made by the famous Boulting Brothers , who had already begun ridiculing national institutions in comedies such as Brothers In Law , Lucky Jim and I 'm All Right , Jack .
27 Tom placed a bowl beside his feet , which was filled with scraps of meat and biscuits for Sammy who had already started chewing the end of one of the socks .
28 Probably just checking to see we were O.K. Now it all made sense and I thought back to all the others who had suddenly stopped visiting : Cathy , Victoria , Jean .
29 He glanced at Willie who had now finished writing .
30 I had been badgering the tour 's publicist for an interview with Scotty , who had apparently arrived toting his original Ray Butts amplifier with built-in tape echo , but things were n't looking too hopeful .
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