Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [noun] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The men who ruled India were aware that what they referred to as their prestige would in the end by compromised by too obvious a reliance on resort to arms .
2 The Employment Society would be the continuation of the pattern that existed in industrialised countries up until the mid-1970s , with virtually all those who sought jobs being able to find them , and the typical lifetime employment totalling the 100,000 hours typically worked until recently .
3 As regards the question of the need to seek the Special Commissioner 's leave to revise the assessment , the Special Commissioner who granted leave was aware that it was open to the company to show that the accounting period was different from that contended by W.
4 Although seroconversion rates after a supplemental ( fourth ) dose of OPV were , in contrast , somewhat lower than expected , rates of secondary 4-fold rises in antibody ( ‘ booster ’ responses ) in seropositive children who received OPV were similar to those found in earlier studies , which suggests that the low response rates in seronegative children were not due to vaccine subpotency .
5 Whether , of course , I would have taken this view were I to have had someone in my squadron who turned LMF is open to question , When I reflect on the young aircrew that I helped to train in 1940 at Kinloss , some 10 years younger than myself , I marvel that the conversation stage was the last stint before they were to confront a highly lethal opponent .
6 Student who killed lecturer is unfit to appear .
7 It was a general principle of English and also Scandinavian medieval law that relatives who inherited land were responsible for supporting its former owners , including widows .
8 I knew that people who loved God were supposed to love their neighbour too .
9 It meant people who kept sheep were happy .
10 Performers are five recent graduates of Bristol University , who felt revolutions were topical in the light of the bicentennial of the French Revolution and events in China .
11 In the early years of the century those , including Davy , who went salmon-fishing were concerned about the state of rivers .
12 It had taken all her strength to go to the man who thought children were special .
13 Trials of 400 volunteers at a stress-management centre found that , in most cases , mood improved , and some people who took tranquillisers were able to reduce their dose .
14 A friend of Gina 's , Julie O'Dea , was in charge of the tickets ; for the past few weeks , her flat had been a temporary box-office and she was running a tight ship ; all committee members who took tickets were responsible for the money they owed .
15 Those who disliked dogs objected to the vast number running around which had been attracted by her , while people who liked dogs were concerned about the little wild bitch 's welfare .
16 We 'd add that the ‘ only ’ way to see them is from an open top carriage pulled snow-white horses — who said romance was dead ?
17 Peter Wright , who missed Boroughmuir 's friendly against Hawick as he was resting a knock to his left shoulder which he had aggravated when he tripped at work , completed most of the session and is confident he will be 100 per cent for the heavy scrummaging routines on Wednesday night .
18 Those who gained admittance were fortunate .
19 Well , whoever said conditions were awful was right .
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