Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [pers pn] [vb -s] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's the nature of the offence as such that if a soldier is bullied , he 's unlikely if he wants to stay in the Army , to bring it to the attention of the authorities , because he know that afterwards he has then to live with the people who he 's complained about .
2 They are fed on drugs and despatched by their master with golden daggers to kill whomever he has marked down for destruction . ’
3 In many ways they do not have the resources we have in the West , but in Leipzig Masur has a pool of well over 200 musicians whom he has trained up very well .
4 What I find very frightening is the campaign by Sir Thomas Hetherington in particular who erm as reported in the newspapers has said that there are er a handful , 3 or 4 people whom he has singled out , and he says the evidence is prima facie evidence against them , is so overwhelming that the law of England must be radically changed in order to bring a prosecution against them , and , as Lord Shawcroft said , well how , in such circumstances , could such people have a fair trial when we 've had the er Hetherington the former Attorney General saying , in effect , we know these people are guilty , we 're changing the law to prosecute them , and now you members of the jury must n't on any account er think er in er you must judge completely impartially .
5 Henry is trying to trace the two men with whom he has struck up an acquaintance :
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