Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Those who could read may have taken advantage of some of the ideas of a local Elizabethan agricultural writer , Leonard Mascall of Plumpton , who wrote three textbooks on the arts of husbandry ; most farmers probably continued much as their forbears had done , producing a growing farming surplus more by accident than by conscious design .
2 He was a skilled architect who would grow used to praise , but he must have been pleased to hear that the Goldsmiths regarded his school as " not excelled by any other building of a similar construction in solidity , taste , and execution .
3 After fornication with a woman then the one who would join would show his love of the Unholy by taking a child and killing it .
4 Anyone who can help can call Robin on Darlington .
5 Anyone who can help should telephone , extension 3045 in strict confidence .
6 Anyone who can help should telephone Ormskirk Police on
7 Anyone who can help should attend the show AGM to be held on Monday March 23 at Elstob Hall Farm at 8pm or telephone Christine Tinkler on .
8 Anyone who can help should contact Mr Standring through the editor .
9 The centre , at Boyne Court , Sandy Row , offers a range of social and recreational activities for people of varying ages and Anyone who can help should contact manager Diane Fulton on Belfast 243000 .
10 Anyone who can help should contact Mr Skelhorn on .
11 An appeal is being launched and anyone who can help should contact Carol Chambers on Middlesbrough 225158 or Shirley Heselton on 0287–642361 .
12 Anyone who can help should contact detectives on Middlesbrough 301733 .
13 Anyone who can help should contact her father , Mike , at 19 Warkworth Drive , Hartlepool , or telephone .
14 Anyone who can help should contact Jarrow police on 091–567 6155 .
15 Anyone who can help should contact St Cuthbert 's on Darlington .
16 Anyone who can help should contact Darlington CID on .
17 Anyone who can help should contact Julie on Darlington .
18 Anyone who can help should contact Mrs Bell on .
19 Anyone who can help should call BHF county organiser Reg Sigsworth on ( 0642 ) 476446 .
20 Anyone who can help should call police on .
21 Anybody who can assist can contact ( 0429 ) 221151 .
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