Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [v-ing] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Part of the reason behind the payments is to placate high earners , some of whom are asking to be moved to overseas branches of their companies to avoid higher taxes .
2 It may be that friends and relatives who are less affected by the death of the family member , could give some special attention to the children who are wanting to be comforted and to be told what is going on .
3 One oil analyst described investor sentiment as a ‘ two-way pull between the Americans who are trying to be optimistic and the British who have been selling to them ’ .
4 He said : ‘ I have got to express my admiration to residential staff who are trying to be positive and ensure the residents do n't suffer .
5 This is a , a helpful and reciprocal relationship because our students , who are in our Postgraduate Certificate of Education course , that 's university graduates who are training to be teachers , do go out into schools in this area and do their teaching practice in those schools in a rather interesting way and we developed a scheme , here in Sussex , which was quite novel when we started it about ten years ago .
6 This may be excellent fodder for people who are aspiring to be the next winner of Mastermind .
7 I work with a number of young people who are aspiring to be writers and we have put together an anthology of Black women writing about their experiences from inside South Africa .
8 What you doing it for ? 'Cos let me tell you , the only people who are going to be interested in your bloody research are the authorities .
9 This is often best done in conjunction with those who are going to be on the receiving end of an appraisal interview .
10 they actually use the actors who are going to be there because it 's easier
11 I I can think of a I can think of a few th of them who are going to be completely incomprehensible to you .
12 Finally you need to consider the people who are going to be using the product ; are they writers , or designers , or managers .
13 If " some change is being made we need to look into the viewpoints of all those who are going to be affected by the change .
14 I only highlight that to encourage those who are going to be making er concluding commentaries to p sharpen up their summary .
15 cos , as you say , if if they do have to come to grips with their fellow man , to be at least some of them who are going to be impressed by that .
16 One of the qualifications for being a Tory is that you can make comments like ‘ adverse comment ’ about a cut of this sort erm and remember that you have heard representations of the strongest sort from very well documented people who are going to be affected by these cuts .
17 It 's got to be done by actually tackling the people who are going to be violent by preventing them being violent .
18 Nursing staff on some of those areas that we would pick out — those would be the intensive care units , the children 's units , the delivery suites and special care baby units — the nursing staff actually have control of permits which they can issue to relatives who are going to be here for a great length of time , and if they so feel that these relatives should n't be charged , they give them a permit and they park in a staff area at no charge whatsoever .
19 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
20 ‘ That is completely incorrect these are children who are waiting to be fostered or waiting for more permanent homes .
21 ‘ In this way boys and girls would get ample opportunity of guidance as to their choice of careers , and those who were going to be apprenticed or learn skilled trades might have all their arrangements made while still at school . ’
22 There was a report in the paper about the coronation and the unveiling of the memorial to Queen Victoria two days before the coronation , and about the many crowned heads of Europe who were going to be present , including the German Emperor , the late Queen 's grandson .
23 These careful excavations were followed up by archaeologists , who were ceasing to be treasure-hunters , just as geologists had ceased to be fossil-hunters ; both were now concerned with dating and provenance , and the reconstruction of past epochs .
24 ‘ And besides ’ , said the visiting officer , ‘ how do you argue with a man who 's studying to be a doctor of philosophy ? ’
25 Who is working with Sottle who 's planning to be the alchemist , okay ?
26 Who 's going to be there ? ’
27 When you talk about politics to BBC people , they immediately assume you mean BBC politics , not relations between the parties or the superpowers , but who 's going to be the next DG .
28 I am on the side of the one who 's going to be killed . ’
29 I 'm not someone who 's going to be the same person in every film . ’
30 There is a saying ‘ Who 's going to be the last one to pull their hands out of the fire ? ’
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