Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [pron] [verb] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than remarking on seasonal changes in the surrounding foliage , the majority of New Yorkers whom I met would relish a detailed discussion about the subtle fluctuations in Real Estate Value .
2 She knew that the one thing that her mother would never provide money for was a training in medicine , so she wrote eventually to the Boys ' Own Paper to ask them how to go about it , inventing a letter that was supposed to come from a badly-off boy whom she thought would enlist their sympathy .
3 ‘ You mean he is a rough , unmannerly soldier who you feared would bring out the thumbscrews .
4 Though he declined to say who he thought would win tomorrow , one gets the impression that he will be in Scotland 's corner , remembering that if they do win they will head for Twickenham and possible Triple Crown glory .
5 It was curiously sexual this feeling , exactly the way he had once or twice felt with a girl he was mad to make love to and who he thought would let him but was not quite sure , not absolutely sure .
6 We hoped that the US medical team whom we supposed would attend him at Wiesbaden , as we 'd heard had happened with other American hostages , would recognize that he needed a long rest .
7 The rest put money on whomsoever they thought would win .
8 The pope envisaged that whomsoever he sent would eradicate all that required uprooting throughout ‘ your island ’ — that is , Britain — and such wide jurisdiction at this time belonged only to Canterbury .
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