Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] only [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Thorns lived there , newcomers who 'd only moved in the year before .
2 But then I had one of my rare good ideas : why not try ringing up those breeders who had only advertised at the beginning of the breeding season , about six months before ?
3 His win/loss playing record for the year up to 23/3/92 was 20/3 , bettered only by one player , Perez Roldan , who had only played in one tournament , in Casablanca .
4 Pilots who have only flown in light winds will be dangerously incompetent in rough weather , particularly if they are also out of current flying practice .
5 Women who have only worked for part of their adult lives may not have enough contributions to get a full basic pension on their own record .
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