Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] given [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Indeed arguably the only reliable evidence of who has given money to the Tory Party is the honours list which is published twice a year !
2 Our group has been led by Johanna Carrie who has given encouragement to those of use for whom this is a new venture .
3 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
4 The City winger had spent the day with his wife , who had given birth to a son .
5 No one has ever spoken of the child who must have been born to Dierdriu , and who had given birth to himself and Grainne .
6 Many of Rosemary Cook 's respondents in the Rhondda , who had given birth to children during the inter-war years , said that birth control had been out of the question despite the fact that the birth rate for the Rhondda fell dramatically during the inter-war period .
7 For example , Government- or TANU- employed journalists who had given thought to the matter told me that within the provisions of the Arusha Declaration and its main socialist objectives there was a wide range of issues concerning implementation to discuss .
8 Mother and son alike became the passive , helpless witnesses to the demise , fall and dissolution of a man who had given direction to them both .
9 Who had given information to Brückner 's wife ?
10 Parents who succeed in adopting a child are likely to take the whole matter of their upbringing even more seriously and conscientiously than many who have given birth to their children .
11 All who have given thought to the matter agree that an apparatus as complex as the human eye could not possibly come into existence through single-step selection .
12 Does the Secretary of State intend to thank those who have given service to Queen and country by making them not only jobless , but homeless ?
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