Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 The lesson of the Square One Principle is this : the person who has the courage to go back when necessary is the one who goes on in the end .
2 Who goes up and who goes down in the rugby union leagues has still to be sorted out too …
3 The present interior dates from 1852 when it was used by Emperor Ferdinand the Gracious , the last king of Bohemia who abdicated in 1848 in favour of his nephew but who lived on in the castle until his death , in 1875 .
4 One day when he had sold a painting for a hundred francs , he spent it all on buying flowers for every woman who passed by in the street in a gesture that Modi much admired .
5 Only Aston Villa defender Ugo Ehiogu and Arsenal midfielder Ray Parlour , who limped off in the second half , emerged with any great credit .
6 shine On ridden with breathtaking confidence by the young apprentice Kelly Connor who got up in the last stride to — ’
7 ‘ Her mother was a very wealthy woman , and her father was a kind of handyman who helped out in the convent , and did a bit of work up at Westlands .
8 Each of these alter egos is unaware of the others , so that he is untroubled by his derivation from the common ancestor he unwittingly shares with the many other Polkinghornes who branched off in the course of some quantum mechanical act of measurement .
9 Now , let's take the young activist , who starts off in the trade union movement .
10 Their elders make it upstairs in the flats , attended by small children — brothers and sisters who grow up in the Gorbals , Glasser says , to try it with each other .
11 Dealing with your children 's friends who pop round in the evening calls for consummate diplomacy and the setting of time limits .
12 They 're sentiments that come from falling between the two factions that all but dominate life in Oxford 's social centre : the yuppified , well-heeled types who hang around in the bars and bistros of the city 's bohemian quarter , and the massive student population .
13 This story is framed by the ramblings and reminiscences of three old men who hang out in the town square , acting as a comic chorus to the action and sketching in the historical background .
14 The cartoon features a gang of street children who hang out in the town market — begging , stealing , doing odd jobs and just horsing around .
15 The cartoon features a gang of street children who hang out in the town market — begging , stealing , doing odd jobs and just horsing around .
16 They are maybe five or six gunmen who jump out in the road in front of the car and start firing shots . ’
17 Perhaps the most poignant part of her latest novel is the story of Christine , oldest of the sisters , who grows up in the 1950s , and is later described by one of her sisters as ‘ a feminist before her time ’ — which is , as the sister observes , a highly lonely position .
18 As Arthur Emyr , the former Welsh winger who turned out in the Classics International on Saturday morning stated afterwards .
19 More than a hundred Unionist MPs were usually away from the House on military service , and 125 Unionist agents served in the trenches ; the party organization was used in the war effort at no cost to the country ; every local party was decimated by volunteers who joined up in the first rush ; and at every level , the number who joined up was more than matched by those indirectly involved through recruiting , raising money , running war charities or breeding remounts .
20 I do n't think this was the case , though , as many women did conform and those who stuck out in the way of Madeline Vesey Neroni and Mrs. Proudie were few and far between — few dared to be too independent or to try and think for themselves .
21 The other — that 's the one who finished up in the river — I 'm not sure about . ’
22 From the majors , and the American market , there is more classy female minimalism from The Roches , the trio of New York sisters who started out in the folk scene and evolved a style that veers between thinking woman 's pop and close-harmony experimentation .
23 ‘ I worked very closely with the clients who see two sets of proofs , ’ says Cleary , 28 , a history graduate who started out in the antiques world but did n't find the challenge she expected and joined Barkers Trident as an editorial assistant .
24 Just before half-time City came back with a goal from Ian Baird it was well made and well taken … food for thought for the United defence and of course Smith who started off in the directors box but was down on the touchline after this incident in which David Penney charged into Junior Bent …
25 He knew , he said , that he was just an ordinary farmer 's son and she was a famous Beauty , known the county over , never a word spoken against her even by the men who bivouacked up in the fells — but he would have no-one else and would wait just as long as she told him to .
26 It was thus the internal policies of the United States that determined to a great extent who among the indebted nations won and who lost out in the long debt crisis of the 1980s ( Wellons , 1987 ) .
27 It was sweet revenge for Flintshire , who lost out in the corresponding fixture last season , and it gave them the perfect start as they bid to recapture the North Wales county crown .
28 A large number of dogs who end up in the rescue homes would be on the vet 's euthanasia list if they 'd had different owners .
29 Labit and Sebastian Morizot were backing up and , when the sortie was checked , the ball was flipped out to Laurent Arbo who went over in the corner .
30 His only brother , the one who went down in the Arctic , died unmarried .
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