Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Supporters of his visit included Western Goals founder member Stuart Millson , who has described himself as a fascist and a racist , and BNP deputy leader Richard Edmonds , who has said he wanted to emulate what Le Pen has done in France .
2 There is also uncertainty surrounding the role of David Murray , the Rangers football club chairman , who has acted as a middle man in the negotiations but who has denied he has any financial interest in the takeover .
3 He will be reminded of the saying of Jesus , ‘ ’ He who has seen me has seen the Father . ’
4 Faith , by contrast , approaches Jesus with a radically different attitude , recognising in him the revelation of the invisible God , believing that it is true that ‘ he who has seen me has seen the Father ’ .
5 ‘ Everybody who has seen it has admired it .
6 THE way things are going , any Rugby Union player who has kept himself fit during the summer , can expect a sudden telephone call inviting him to join either the Lions or England on tour .
7 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
8 The same desire to articulate theology as something of beauty and of joy in the light of the God who has made himself known to us in Jesus Christ runs through all thirteen volumes , and makes them a unique achievement .
9 For the Lord who has made us amend your heart and change your mind and take pity on me . " )
10 Certainly it is well established that a man is not guilty of rape of a woman who is too drunk to consent even where it is he who has coaxed her to drink .
11 Farewell to , who has left us to have her second baby ; ( pig scheme ) and ( accounts ) , who have retired .
12 With brother Terry and his wife Karen , played by Jack Hedley and Sheila Hancock , they finally rebel against their fiendish mother-a wonderful performance by Mona Washbourne — who has assembled them to commemorate the anniversary of her and her late husband 's wedding .
13 The wearing of breathing apparatus , although necessary , was known to be risky ; the trapped men were not accustomed to the equipment and anyone who has used it knows how alarming and claustrophobic the experience can be ; the effect can be a compelling desire to rip off the apparatus and if one of the trapped miners was to do so while passing through the gas in Bank mine , death would be almost instantaneous .
14 Can I just say , first of all , that I am the odd-speaker out in this gathering because virtually everyone else who has addressed you has done so from the point of view of their own particular expertise and occupation and those of you who know health councils will appreciate that they tend to take a pretty robust view of private care as it impinges on anything to do with health .
15 I have no research to prove that it is an effective relaxation technique , but everyone who has experienced it asks for it when they come back for more treatment . ’
16 I have no research to prove that it is an effective relaxation technique , but everyone who has experienced it asks for it when they come back for more treatment . ’
17 But now , as in all good rehabilitated hellraiser stories , the only coke he touches comes from a bottle and he has a wife , Becky , who has helped him overcome the demon drink and restored him to his former hunky self .
18 Also the person who has helped us sort out maybe come to sensible engineering conclusion on the minor problem , but be saying to his chief , there was a problem with the York though I just managed to sort it out .
19 ‘ Its a tremendous opportunity to see how they approach treatment in the U.S. and we are very grateful to everyone who has helped us to get there . ’
20 Vivian Hart , for example , could be described as a political scientist , who has found herself delving into history .
21 There is no-one here involved with the playing side of the club who has had anything to do with previous Cup exploits , ’ he said .
22 Novella no longer needs to feel gratitude that in her case she has a father who has allowed her to teach in his place ; she has parted the curtain and is speaking for herself — in as many tongues as she pleases .
23 Most merciful father who has told us to love you with all our strength and glorify you in our bodies , we commend to you for your continual blessings the hospitals of our land and those who serve in them prosper all that is being done in the healing of the sick , the conquest of disease and the training of doctors and nurses that your will may be done for the relief of suffering and the making of lives whole through Jesus Christ our Lord amen
24 ‘ At worst , it can lead to someone who has taken it stopping breathing , ’ said Mr Wardle .
25 She was almost abject with gratitude to Drew who 'd insisted she use his Land-Rover as her base , and who 'd come up specially that morning to invite her to lunch and to watch the match with him and Sukey .
26 It praises the driver of the 5.05 from London Bridge to Eastbourne who climbed out of his cab with a fistful of messages from passengers who 'd asked him to phone their wives after hearing the train would be stranded for some time .
27 The one drawback to the Beka'a Video Club was that Abu Salim , who 'd asked us to give him English lessons , would come down with a list of words and phrases he 'd noted while watching the films and ask for an explanation , his main interest was obscene vocabulary .
28 The cop who 'd collected her had been a crowd control unit , the full cyborg .
29 Faces from the past seemed to come back and taunt him — Carmina Twist , the gypsy-eyed temptress from his university days ; Vauxhall Nova , his first great love , the woman who 'd taught him to say ‘ When ’ ; Lal Basingstoke — big , blonde , beautiful , inexhaustible , extremely tiring Lal Basingstoke .
30 So was old Jacko , who 'd made me re-write at Thrills piece twice and still did n't run it .
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