Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [conj] [vb base] their " in BNC.

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1 It may be argued that this is an appropriate restriction , since the law catches only those who disseminate or broadcast their propaganda on a wide scale , and not those whose correspondence is entirely private .
2 Both terms are allowed to be used on the label by all Champagne manufacturers , although in general only growers who make and sell their own Champagne take advantage of this .
3 There are mothers and daughters who can talk freely about sex , and mothers who send or accompany their daughter to the doctor to get the Pill , as Tracy 's mother had , but they tend to be the exception .
4 The judge sums up briefly to the jury , who consider and announce their verdict .
5 The growing independence of their children , at each successive stage , can be a matter of concern rather than joy for those who over-commit and over-identify their lives with the nurturing of dependent children .
6 Some scientists would still maintain that science is neutral , and it is the politicians who select and implement their inventions in particular ways and who should therefore shoulder the blame for undesirable consequences .
7 It is a skilled sport , best done by people who understand and admire their quarry and are fit enough to pursue and outwit it .
8 Sadly , there are distinguished theologians who try and persuade their readers otherwise .
9 A combination of means-tested assistance being withdrawn as income rises , together with an increased tax bill , has created a particular disincentive for those of the poor who try and improve their own position by personal effort and initiative .
10 While the practising lawyer never quite achieves the joyful incomprehensibility of the Parliamentary draftsman , who takes most of the abuse on our behalf , the legal profession is none the less largely guilty of producing deeds that carry no thought for the people who instruct and finance their preparation .
11 Magistrates are being urged to get tough on landlords who harass and intimidate their tenants .
12 ‘ What is particularly alarming is that bullying is on the increase among young primary school children , many of whom threaten or thump their peer group en route to and from school , ’
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