Example sentences of "that [vb -s] beyond " in BNC.

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1 Thus according to the Child Poverty Action Group ( CPAG ) ‘ poverty is viewed in relation to a generally accepted standard of living in a particular society that goes beyond basic physical needs ’ to include ‘ broader social and cultural needs ’ as well .
2 It does , however , show clearly that when assessing suffering it is important to have a framework that goes beyond the narrow concerns of selective or functional assessment approaches , although such approaches do have some value in distinguishing between ‘ appropriate ’ and ‘ inappropriate ’ suffering .
3 At times when I look at her it strikes me as it 's got something ; not beauty , but something that goes beyond it .
4 You must be well acquainted with the materials of Part 2 in order to answer trainees ' questions but be careful not to provide information that goes beyond that given above ; try to amplify rather than extend the information .
5 The comparative method lies at the root of any sociological research that goes beyond description .
6 At best they are ‘ stills ’ from a sequence of actions ; and they can not portray anything that goes beyond visual observation .
7 Lalage had the style that goes beyond looks .
8 It begins with ‘ description ’ , based upon factual statements of objective perception and analysis , and moves on to ‘ formal analysis ’ in which there is a search that goes beyond the surface inventory in order to seek out relationships and qualities .
9 Organiser Neil Storey said ‘ I am trying to find a word that goes beyond disappointed .
10 You see we can not always help who our brothers and sisters are but we can make alliances of people on issues of liberation and freedom that goes beyond that narrow family relationship and develops into a very solid alliance that helps to change situations .
11 It signalled love that goes beyond the love of a kiss .
12 The difference between the two countries is that the formal wording of the United States Constitution can be amended only by an extraordinary process , i.e. , one that goes beyond the provisions employed for amending the ordinary law .
13 Pratt is specifically concerned with the ideological implications of landscape descriptions in novels and travel reports , and argues for the development of a stylistics that goes beyond purely aesthetic considerations , and takes into account the social , historical and ideological dimensions of texts .
14 They do not want multiple entries of the same plan but an entry that goes beyond 16 games as a single column plan .
15 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
16 The accompanying article stated that many UNTAC officials saw the hardline Khmer Rouge position as designed to undermine its rivals " in a long-term strategy that looks beyond the [ May 1993 ] election period and is aimed ultimately at a unilateral seizure of power " .
17 The outcome has an importance that stretches beyond domestic considerations .
18 England 's tries were not magical creations , just simple quick passing , where the movement is always going forward in the classic tradition of back play , but a tradition that seems beyond Scotland 's ken at the moment .
19 The closing image , the door shutting as Ethan heads into the wilderness , suggests a search for redemption that continues beyond the movie .
20 ‘ It seemed to me necessary to bring the testimony of our solidarity for the courage and determination of Colombia to fight a danger that extends beyond the borders of this country , ’ Mr Mitterrand told President Virgilio Barco .
22 Sometimes you swim over great meadows that consist entirely of one kind of coral ; sometimes in deeper water , you discover a coral tower hung with fans and sponges that extends beyond your sight into depths of darkest blue .
23 It is common to take account of the duration of customer contracts and to allow the purchaser a period that extends beyond the contract renewal point .
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