Example sentences of "that [is] almost " in BNC.

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1 Bakhtin established the kind of binary opposition that is almost commonplace in modern critical theory ; it was between the ‘ monologic ’ and the ‘ dialogic ’ .
2 These rolling stories , coming in live , prickle the skin in a way that is almost primitive .
3 The hollow note of the bullfinch that is almost ventriloquial in its effect , came as easily from his lips as the chuckle of a jackdaw or the chiding of a sparrow hawk at its prey .
4 The truth is that public spending is a juggernaut that is almost out of control .
5 The article is bad-tempered , many of its assertions either inaccurate or half truthful , snide and pervaded by a snobbery that is almost misanthropic .
6 It may well strain belief that eight hours of enjoyment can make primary school children comfortable with chemical ideas that are being chopped out of GCSE syllabuses , yet this much and more can be achieved by challenging a teaching tradition that is almost as unhelpful to chemistry as phlogiston was .
7 In relation to silviculture itself D M Smith ( 1986 ) , based mainly on the North America experience , states that : ‘ It is entirely within the realm of possibility to conduct forestry permanently without the degradation that is almost inevitable in agriculture …
8 A young lizard can regrow one that is almost as long as the original .
9 The purpose of this instruction is to eliminate the excess tension that is almost always to be found in the muscles of the neck .
10 However , one thing that is almost guaranteed is that if the things that you do do n't match up to the things that you say , your friends will soon point that out to you !
11 It 's a stitch pattern of great variety that is almost as easy to knit as Fair Isle .
12 When the NAP ca n't take over an organisation or movement , it resorts to deception , creating a front group that is almost indistinguishable in name from a more broad-based and respected rival .
13 But in picking melees ( mixtures ) of medium-quality gems between a fifth and half a carat the kidnappers had gone for an area of the trade that is almost uncontrollable .
14 Gurder was in the grip of the kind of anger that is almost as good as armour .
15 Plants are closing all over Europe as recession deepens on the continent and particular industries make the painful adjustments to their own private new world orders , but the announcement that Digital Equipment Corp was to close its venerable 22-year-old manufacturing plant in Galway has drawn international attention that far exceeds anything generated by threatened closures such as the even more venerable truck plant that is almost the only employer in the Lancashire town of Leyland , and involved a threat to many more jobs .
16 Sometimes an unintended slight can create grudges , causing a rift between branches of a family that is almost impossible to mend .
17 Style director Hamish Bowles , a lifelong fan , visited her at her magnificent home , Templeton , on Long Island and spent a day talking to and photographing her in some her favourite clothes ( see page 220 ) : ‘ It 's a ravishing and evocative home , C.Z. is a scintillating hostess and brings a contemporary touch to a house that is almost Edwardian in its management and battalions of staff . ’
18 The absence of an increase [ in cases of leukaemia ] in the rural high oil category overall in 1979–83 is due to a deficiency that is almost significant in areas with a lower child density or a lower oil impact score — and which was not present in the previous period , 1974–8 .
19 The sky is of a rich sea blue that is almost grotesque in its fullness of colour , broken only by an indignant stream of clouds piping up in the distant horizon .
20 Evaluating war and social change in such experiential terms is further complicated by the fact that the Second World War brought to the lives of British citizens a degree of personal disruption that is almost incalculable — though well captured in some of the literature of the time , notably Graham Greene 's The Ministry of Fear ( 1943 ) .
21 Although in both groups the disease can be either indolent or slowly progressive and most cases had a non-aggressive course , in patients grouped as low grade/mixed grade the disease can last for years and in those grouped as high grade for months only , a difference that is almost significant .
22 * Meanwhile , a report for the European Commission has shown how EC countries could implement a 20 per cent cut in carbon dioxide emissions over the next 15 years ( by 2005 ) at a cost that is almost negligible .
23 Advantages of the ancient method of water transportation include a stable water-flow with little vaporisation and energy consumption that is almost negligible .
24 As a rule , he prefers to shake his finger at men as they move by wrong paths from the cradle to the grave , and to remind himself with a frown that he , too , is human — a frown that is almost a sigh :
25 Now a facility that is almost universally available if often under funded .
26 It was a bold experiment that is almost certain to be rewarded with full houses and , as the acoustics are to be softened , by tonight 's performance it might prove to be one of the better stagings .
27 I think generally in the erm classic detective story that is almost impossible to achieve .
28 Pour over 1 litre ( 2 pints ) of water that 's almost boiled .
29 I mean in some respects that 's almost an imposs an impossible task it 's simple impracticable .
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