Example sentences of "that [pers pn] used " in BNC.

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1 Why , I 've heard tell from the Bishop 's secretary that yours used to be the best Mystery in the land , bar none .
2 The God of my far-off country must remember that I used to pray four times a day and still love me .
3 I said that I used to be partial to them when I smoked .
4 Remember that I used to be very well known for sports shots .
5 Experimentation was the method that I used to learn the carve gybe .
6 So absorbed , or intoxicated , was it that I used to photograph it with the other hand .
7 ‘ And another thing that 's changed is that I used to be wary of getting into certain types of music , for fear they would show up in my playing ; these days , though , I figure that listening to just about anything is cool .
8 The wonderful City squad I coached , which included the talents of Franny Lee , Mike Summerbee , Colin Bell , Tony Book and Joe Corrigan were so dominant in those battles against United that I used to feel sorry for Matt Busy .
9 And it was n't Sky 's fault that I used to watch better football at Barnet for exactly the same price as the weekly rental price of a satellite dish .
10 As Mario tells it , ‘ there was no outward sign of any big problem , except that I used to think he got tired very easily for a guy his age ’ .
11 I looked for the knitted garments that I used to help her with but they must have all been sold .
12 Before that I used to have — and this is true — NME s smuggled into East Berlin via Poland .
13 Many of us got caught this way years ago , but I do n't think yarns for weaving are sold at Knitting Shows anymore — at least I have n't heard the complaints that I used to do .
14 There is no space to detail further the model that I used to pursue the problem that I had set myself .
15 It is rather like something that I used to do as a young groundsman coming up through the ranks , when I applied for vacant jobs all over the place , the bigger and more prestigious the place the better , and more often than not without the slightest intention of taking the job if it had been offered !
16 So great was my obsession that I used to wish that one day I would develop my own American accent .
17 " I feel that cutting out dairy products has eased the feelings of irritability that I used to suffer from .
18 They , too , will owe a lot to the boycotters and sanctioners , including one in particular that I used to revile and later was honoured to be able to call friend — also a keen cricketer , a left-hand bat who as a schoolboy in Pretoria was thought promising enough to be headed for a higher grade of cricket one day .
19 But er I 'd two that I used to have on the wall at home I can remember .
20 But the highlight of it was that I used to get a ride on the dray and I used he he we used to finish up the round at the bottom of erm Road , and Street .
21 For instance , I do n't want people to know that I used to be a drummer . ’
22 I had mine in a cone , with wafers stuck in the top that I used to eat it with , but Cati sat down and she had hers with a spoon , out of a glass , sitting up on one of those stools … . ’
23 It distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and go out only in case of necessity . ’
24 I do n't seem to fed the same urge to wander that I used to . ’
25 But erm and then at during er before lunch and all that I used to have to go take a bucket and go to the smithy and erm as you may know , there 's a a cooling er tank beside in the in er beside every every every erm blacksmith 's fire and er you know to bo keep the er no t no to keep the nozzle of the
26 Er , well , erm , they could sort of do it , erm , I mean , when I leave er , a place that , house that I used to live in , I leave a forwarding address but no , I make sure , with the people that erm , take over the house , but they do n't actually give out my phone number .
27 When I was young , we had an old Victorian wardrobe with a mirror on it that I used to sing to .
28 For instance , I do n't want people to know that I used to be a drummer . ’
29 no , so we did n't have an invite I know , I mean normally I 'm taken every year you know , there , to see the old time musical which is great and I look forward to that but cos I did n't get , get there and I love going to Leah Manning as I say we have dancing there on a Wednesday afternoon it 's great , I enjoy it ever so much and I meet all my friends there that I have n't seen for years , you know , that I used to go to clubs with and they 've all arrived there now you know it 's great to see them , I thoroughly enjoy it .
30 Can we just end with a a short story about the job that I used to do before I did this one .
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