Example sentences of "that [noun pl] form " in BNC.

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1 THE nights were still so cold that icicles formed on the outside of the chutes that fed the water-mills , where the water churned white and spilled over .
2 His analysis of the occupations recorded in the Northampton militia list for 1777 , which names men aged between eighteen and forty-five who were liable for militia duty if required , reveals that craftsmen formed about half of Northampton 's adult male workforce .
3 Consequently it is reasonable to suppose that decision-makers form judgements about the likelihood of controls being imposed and take action to mitigate their effects .
4 It is an inherent feature of object-oriented data-bases that methods form part of the class definition .
5 If these were the only considerations , merger policy might be confined to ensuring that companies formed accurate assessments of the costs and benefits of mergers .
6 Marx attempted to reduce all forms of inequality to social class and argued that classes formed the only significant social groups in society .
7 At the start of this section it was stated that packages form the basis of software control in LIFESPAN .
8 In visiting a Catholic school , O'Neill might have thought he was doing no more than acknowledging that Catholics formed a sizeable part of the population of Northern Ireland and that Catholic schools were largely supported from public funds which his government administered .
9 We all know that parachutes form themselves into a hemispherical shape as they fill with air ; but , for simplicity , it is better if we follow Hugh 's example and assume that we are dealing with a flat disc .
10 We should remember that homosexuals form part of society , and they can exert their influence on the prevailing norms and values and therefore also on legislation .
11 The TPS has worked with the School Management Task Force to ensure that placements form an integral element in the career profile of teachers .
12 Scott says that financiers formed a ‘ tightly integrated group with numerous overlapping business activities ’ .
13 Horses indicate quite clearly that they do not like someone , or another animal , by narrowing and pulling-up their nostrils so that wrinkles form above them .
14 The proposed mechanism requires that crystals formed in the thermal boundary layer at the roof of the chamber can escape by settling before the boundary layer becomes unstable locally .
15 If they did lose sight of the coast , they would watch out for birds and clouds because they knew that birds flew near land and that clouds formed over land .
16 The use of B avoids the problem of estimating the normal level of government expenditure which , ADD argue , Barro handles inconsistently since he assumes that agents form their expectations about normal government expenditure using an adaptive expectations mechanism , while assuming that agents form their expectations rationally elsewhere in the system .
17 The use of B avoids the problem of estimating the normal level of government expenditure which , ADD argue , Barro handles inconsistently since he assumes that agents form their expectations about normal government expenditure using an adaptive expectations mechanism , while assuming that agents form their expectations rationally elsewhere in the system .
18 Does the claim that agents form their expectations rationally have any substantive bearing on the quite fundamental issues which divide Keynesians from new classicals ?
19 This goes to show that alliances formed in the conflict over recreation and access to the countryside are by no means the same as those which coalesce over issues of wildlife preservation and landscape change .
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