Example sentences of "that [modal v] allow " in BNC.

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31 The plants had to establish a nutrient cycle that would allow the nitrogen content of the sand to increase .
32 It is difficult to conceive of a surgical technique that would allow implantation and removal , with equal rapidity , in a blood contact situation .
33 The inter-war German democracy was precarious precisely because it was grafted on to a social order that had failed to create the very basic social and political conditions that would allow a democratic system to flourish , but also because while German expansion in the east had been halted , the drive to the east was still seen as a tantalising solution to all of Germany 's problems .
34 The device chosen was a carefully designed , small , speed table surfaced with distinctive flat cobbles , with gaps on each side that would allow buses and large trucks to pass without generating noise for residents , discomfort for passengers , or damage to the road surface as a result of impact by heavy vehicles .
35 The Irish Institute has taken bold steps to reduce the expectation gap , lobbying the government for changes in legislation that would allow implementation of several key recommendations put forward in the Ryan Report .
36 As its next step , the Institute has submitted a paper to Desmond O'Malley , Irish Minister for Industry and Commerce , urging the government to make the necessary changes to company law that would allow more recommendations to be implemented .
37 But they dare n't take on the decisions and responsibility that would allow them to make their own alternatives , and to drop right out .
38 In a historic test case his parents Allan and Barbara , along with Airedale Regional Health Authority , are seeking a change in the law that would allow them to disconnect the feeding tube and let Tony die .
39 It would therefore seem to make a lot of sense to construct edifices that would allow you to observe the Sun 's behaviour because , as a god , he might angrily starve you or beneficently reward you with plenty .
40 Stevenson was deliberately seeking a plot that would allow him to explore an aspect of human psychology .
41 Once locked on to a heartbeat pattern , they would whizz around like fireflies until they found the precise biosignal that would allow them to explode .
42 A game where the Test and County Cricket Board yearns for powers that would allow Allan Lamb to be hung in chains as a warning to all whistleblowers .
43 Given the inherent uncertainty of moral interpretation in social life , it would be foolish to believe that we could come up with a definition of aggression that would allow us to unambiguously classify , much less measure , instances of aggressive conduct in unfamiliar societies .
44 We no longer possess the Susan Membrane that would allow a Marine to enter a state of suspended animation .
45 As to the much discussed pearwood wall panels , Italo Rota explains : ‘ We were looking for a simple idea that would allow visitors who had already looked at a good many paintings to connect some of them with unfamiliar settings ; the art of memory tells us that it is easier to retain images in one 's head if one can link them to a specific space ’ .
46 Tamayo said he would , but only if Remba could invent a process that would allow them to have a relief-like dimensionality .
47 Minsky 's ‘ supreme organizer ’ view must be a hierarchical one , for that organizer alone has the model of its relation to other modules , and it must therefore always be in control , because no other module has the model of relationships that would allow it sometimes to be in control ( in the way a heterarchical view requires ) .
48 Always make cuts at a slightly sloping angle — as shown in the sketch , and never at an angle that would allow rain , dew , and heavy moisture to lie on the open cut .
49 On the subject of a ‘ Windows layer ’ for Unix , the Microsoft Corp chairman said that the company is considering either libraries that would enable developers to recompile Windows software , or source-code licences that would allow third parties create and sell run-time versions of Windows for Unix .
50 On the subject of a ‘ Windows layer ’ for Unix , the Microsoft Corp chairman said that the company is considering either libraries that would enable developers to recompile Windows software , or source-code licences that would allow third parties create and sell run-time versions of Windows for Unix , a concept also used in the tool code-named Wings , formerly Alar , which recompiles Windows applications to run on the Macintosh ; the strategy is to get developers to write just to the Windows programming interface , even for alternative operating systems , such as Unix and System 7 .
51 The US House Energy & Commerce Committee has approved the bill that would allow the federal government to auction licences for parts of the radio spectrum , generating as much as $7,000m revenues .
52 For their part , employers want a low wage rise and ‘ opening clauses ’ that would allow individual firms to negotiate lower pay settlements .
53 Ideally IXI would like to see OSF put together an extended application programming interface that would allow other technologies and applications to be brought in .
54 An AST spokeswoman claimed Manhattan 's architecture incorporates a processor-independent design that would allow unspecified RISC chips to be substituted for the Intel Corp 50MHz 80486DX microprocessors that will kick off the line .
55 IBM bought up the technology outright before going public on its agreement with Apple to ensure that no enterprising outfit could subsequently go off and get a licence from Interactive that would allow it to develop compatible versions of PowerOpen , AIX or even Pink .
56 Digital Review , soon to turn into Digital News & Review because of a merger with Digital News ( UX No 397 ) , claims DEC is going after Wang , Unisys and IBM customers with a migration scheme that would allow applications running on System/36 , System/38 , Wang and Unisys CISC systems to run on Alphas .
57 The architects of the Constitution were accordingly intent upon constructing political mechanisms that would allow for the essential minimum level of government without encroaching on their hard-won liberties .
58 The capitalist system had to be unchained and the conditions created that would allow it to flourish .
59 Basically , the problem is this : due to the sprite limitations of the C64 nobody — as yet — has managed to come up with a routine that would allow more than ten Lemmings on-screen simultaneously .
60 In order to realize the potential of the large amount of software of this nature , we need a system of ‘ minimum documentation ’ that would allow this material to reach a wider audience .
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