Example sentences of "not appear on " in BNC.

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1 The ability to seek out travel services for the customer even when they do not appear on brochure racks has brought the company a strong following in the town but also , according to manager Sandra Chisholm , from as far as Glasgow .
2 Otherwise dates did not appear on western coinage until the thirteenth century .
3 Such divine imagery was confined to extravagant and luxury items such as ornate scabbards and cameos , which were intended for members of the imperial court , and does not appear on objects of mass circulation such as coins , on which representations of Augustus were always human after 27 BC .
4 They will not appear on my balance-sheet .
5 Refused cases will not appear on the waiting list .
6 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
7 Light gauge string sets which included a plain third did not appear on the market until the late '60s .
8 Carter , who did not appear on stage himself , later said : ‘ The idiots who run pool in this country have had 20 years to get it right and they 've messed up .
9 At the open meeting , Council reviewed the procedures for electing the Institute 's vice-president , voting to allow canvassing by nominees but deciding that the names of nominators should not appear on the voting papers .
10 Children do not appear on memorial brasses until the 1420s , though by the 1450s they were a regular occurrence .
11 It is a rule that they do not appear on TV or talk to the Press .
12 Grandchildren do not appear on Qureshi and Simons 's ( 1987 ) hierarchy of preferred carers , indicating that they are very much a minority group subsumed under ‘ other relatives ’ and therefore much less likely to be providing personal care than their parents ' generation .
13 NT would not appear on any of the bigger selling RISC processors — Sparc , RS/6000 or HP — for at least a year , probably two , said Michels , due to the difficulties of porting it to big-endian architectures .
14 Sequent 's new hardware will not appear on the market until Microsoft releases NT .
15 Further , wives ' legal access to the marital home has been improved by the recent practices of divorce courts which have more often allowed the wife to claim possession of a portion of the marital home even if her name did not appear on the title deeds .
16 However , even if the bureau has the typeface it may well not appear on the output due to the vagaries of Apple 's font numbering system .
17 The film 's director was equally determined that this consultant who lacked the necessary card from the actors ' union should not appear on celluloid .
18 It will also confirm the identity of the applicant who , for whatever reason , does not appear on the electoral rolls .
19 If you consider that your name should not appear on the Register , or if you disagree with the details shown in your entry then you have the right to appeal .
20 If you are afraid that you , or someone you know , could be threatened with violence if your name appears in the Public Extract of the Poll Tax Register , you can ask that your name does not appear on the Extract .
21 An earlier draft had been to George and Rowland Wilson but the latter 's name does not appear on the final copy .
22 If , however , people receive income and do not declare it in tax returns , it will not appear on the income side , though expenditure will increase as the unrecorded income is spent on goods and services .
23 Avoid large numbers of programs in any one group as you will have to scroll the Program List to locate programs which do not appear on screen .
24 Part success — some learning outcomes achieved , the module does not appear on the candidate 's RET but details of outcomes achieved are issued ;
25 Then I have to assume that your name does not appear on the club champion 's board .
26 * Candidate did not appear on the ballot .
27 After the password is entered ( it does not appear on the screen for security reasons ) , the ENTER ( or RETURN ) key should be pressed to indicate completion of the Log On page .
28 These modules should not appear on the DC .
29 The Savoyard himself did not appear on the day , apparently because he was unsure whether to give precedence to the representative of the king of Bohemia ( the " Winter King " Frederick of the Palatinate ) ; but his absence at once made the Venetian ambassador fear that Savoy , perhaps with French or Spanish help , was intriguing to threaten the precedence claimed by the republic .
30 Nor does the imputation take account of people who did not appear on the Census form returned for their household ; the extent of the undercount , and the approximate breakdown of the missing persons by age and sex , can be estimated by comparison with the Registrar-General 's population estimates ( Census Newsletter , October 1992 ) , but no further adjustment to the statistics has been made .
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