Example sentences of "not see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Ego is the limited , separated , illusory self which can not see beyond the end of its own nose .
2 ‘ If you can not see beyond the painted image , beyond the obvious , then perhaps you should go , perhaps you should have never even come . ’
3 That 's er a little bit of fun in that , but er we might have a little bit of advice for you if you are preparing to receive guests you 'd rather not see over Christmas .
4 Down at Lucifer 's feet , in front of the stage , a girl with long , black hair stood on tip-toe but still could not see over the heads of the crowd .
5 The steam was so thick that she could not see through it and she thought she was alone in the room .
6 The wash boiler is on in the kitchen so you can not see through the French window for steam .
7 ‘ If you imagine she does not see through your wiles , ’ came Araminta 's shrill tone , ‘ then you are a great fool , Benedict . ’
8 I do not see on what grounds it could be argued that an amendment on the subject of Capital Punishment is outside the scope of a comprehensive Bill amending the law relating to the methods by which the courts are empowered to deal with offenders .
9 They are heading for a gathering at a place I can not see on my map , but they seem content with the direction I have chosen .
10 The evening resumes in the bar have some merit in linking in the activities we do not see on film but had an embarrassing ‘ bar bore ’ quality .
11 I would not ask them to fund anything they can not see with their own eyes . ’
12 For , of course , you could not see to the foot of the hill , let alone seven counties , under the stars .
13 Pedro How would you like to not see for a couple of days ?
14 How fortunate for the denizens of The Daily Herald , then , that they could not see into the future — even the immediate future !
15 She was short-sighted a could not see into the auditorium .
16 One can not see into another person 's mind .
17 A pretty , rustic affectation of innocence that , to such as can not see into her , may pass well enough .
18 Black water lapped her , depths she could not see into .
19 Dazzled by the evening sun the people in the garden could not see into the sitting room and had no idea who Rain 's visitor was until Wickham joined them .
20 Behind and above — a gaudy striped umbrella , on a pole stuck into the deck , tilted so that we do not see behind it — one of those huge six-foot diameter jobs .
21 Er My Lords I do not see within this of amendments the answers that we want , I see two or three narrow misses .
22 They regarded no convention , and I did not see till later that their unconvention was almost as intolerant as my parents , convention. , Helen stayed with Mrs Logan — who was awaiting a divorce — dating Edward 's first year at Lincoln .
23 By the time that you have battled against the wind to get there , you may find that it has some hazard that you could not see from a distance , and then there may be no other good field within reach .
24 All three thought it right that the fight continued in the eleventh round when McDonnell 's right eye was all but closed , though the fighter admitted he could not see from that eye .
25 All out 446 meant that England had a lot of batting to do in the last two days , and when Larkins went at the end of the third day to a ball that he did not see in the shadows , one felt they just were not going to make it .
26 Your practice partner makes the list ( which you do not see in advance ) and then gives the short descriptive sentence which provides a clue to the way in which the key word has been used .
27 However , it does not follow that his patients were all more ‘ abnormal ’ than those people he did not see in the consulting room .
28 Can we not see in this new conviction of the importance of emotion and sensibility that awakening of feeling which his marriage had accomplished ?
29 Escape was something Judith could not see in her own future .
30 And unlike Picasso Braque did not see in African art an answer to some of the problems of contemporary painting .
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