Example sentences of "not an accident " in BNC.

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1 Technically speaking as long as nobody was hurt , no injuries , no damage to the other vehicle , this is not an accident .
2 That the handle is adenine , rather than some other organic molecule , is probably a historical accident , but it is not an accident that the phosphate is attached to some characteristic molecule that the enzyme can recognize .
3 One person pointed out that , if it was not an accident , there were serious political overtones and the convention had been long established that political matters were never raised at presbytery meetings .
4 The triumph of the movies was not an accident or a miracle .
5 The gradual development of societies from capitalism to socialism , admittedly , was not an accident , but a necessary , law-governed and irreversible process .
6 Suppose it were not an accident .
7 You are beautiful all over , desirable , and it was not an accident .
8 And this violence has been unleashed from state structures and it 's not an accident that the happen to be mainly the A N C or as recently you saw , the general secretary of the communist party , Chris or Cosatu leaders or church leaders , or the other pattern of violence indiscriminate killing of people on the trains .
9 This is not an accident of English grammar ; these are the only ones that can actually be expected .
10 PLEASE note that this is a Public Liability Insurance Policy not an Accident Insurance .
11 A father has won an important legal battle in his bid to prove his son 's death during parachute training was NOT an accident .
12 Police said forensic experts had now confirmed the fire was not an accident .
13 Technically this is n't an accident , so its not reportable .
14 ‘ She was in hospital for six weeks , and I was the only one who knew it was n't an accident .
15 This is where there was n't an accident , thank God , but we did find
16 It was n't an accident , and he did n't do it himself .
17 ‘ Perhaps that was n't an accident either .
18 watched a documentary on it the other night and he said even by kicking someone now , if you do n't have n't , is n't an accident it 's like kissing someone you
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