Example sentences of "[ex0] would [vb infin] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 One solution proposed by Amman is to bring in entry charges of DM3 per head , although there would continue to be no charge on Wednesdays and Sundays .
2 But the over-riding problem was really to ensure that there would continue to be a School for boys to progress from .
3 Whether there would continue to be a single currency was , however , unresolved .
4 Whether there would continue to be a single currency was , however , unresolved .
5 There would appear to be at least two different reasons why this might be so .
6 Jean-Marie Balestre , the president of FISA , has pointed out that the regulations permit an immediate ban regardless of any appeal and there would appear to be no further argument on that point .
7 THERE would appear to be no future in Newcastle United 's courtship of Roy Aitken , the Celtic captain , following yesterday 's disapproval of the affair by Billy McNeill , manager of the Glasgow club .
8 While there are problems if cattle and sheep are allowed to overgraze pasture , there would appear to be ample evidence to suggest that grazing cattle and sheep on natural grassland can be beneficial to maintaining an ecological balance .
9 Because the efficiency of a curriculum development centre is a direct concern of the Ministry , there would appear to be a much greater probability that the very considerable staffing demands which curriculum development makes should be recognised .
10 There would appear to be less need for heavy garments richly embroidered , which necessitate special care and attention .
11 and in the end mightier thin any of the destructive forces devised by man , yet there would appear to be circumstances when violence is inevitable and unavoidable as in the case of the choice between violence and cowardice .
12 With ‘ non-reminiscers ’ there would appear to be less reason to dwell on the past , and it might be more useful to avoid it unless the counsellor feels that there is a particularly strong reason and purpose for doing so .
13 There would appear to be a considerable number of strange events concerning signal boxes and their environs more so than other areas of unexplained activities .
14 There would appear to be some untold facts about Blea Moor Tunnel as there has been much speculation but very little facts of details .
15 Nevertheless , there would appear to be an optimum recipe , especially in the silver and copper content used to manufacture the brooches found in each cemetery .
16 However , there would appear to be no chance at this time that the T-H-R conclusion will be proved wrong .
17 First , there would appear to be an assumption that these are in their essence unco-operative , something which we would question , and second , the restraint itself would have to be a natural impulse !
18 As one looks to the future , there would appear to be margins of manoeuvre and debate .
19 There is the further consideration that if after a Jury has deliberately decided that a person ought to be put to death , the Home Secretary should nevertheless find it his duty to recommend clemency , there would appear to be a conflict between the Crown and the Jury .
20 There would appear to be no valid reason why poetic achievement should not be analysed by philosophical or even psychological methods .
21 In particular , there would appear to be at least one strategy by the incumbent which breaks the conditions as first laid out .
22 Nevertheless , there would appear to be a case for each authority to provide an annual report in the same way as local authorities .
23 Therefore , where multiple rates of return exist there would appear to be no mathematical or economic grounds for preferring one rate to another .
24 So if the revenue had refused in the exercise of their discretion to make the repayment they did in the present case I am of opinion that in the absence of any other remedy it would have been open to Woolwich to claim repayment in proceedings for judicial review , and there would appear to be no reason why such proceedings would not have been successful .
25 With there often being many routes to approximately similar goals , there would appear to be little to be gained from studying these developing routes through the design process , However , the constraints and objectives set on the way are seen to " steer " the designers towards similar goals by differing paths .
26 If this is so , there are important practical implications , since while there may be no legal pressures , there would appear to be market pressures on managers to focus on share price .
27 There would appear to be the need to develop for these and possibly many other applications , heat sensors sufficiently resistant to fire and high temperatures to act not only as actuating mechanisms for automatic systems but also to provide continuous readings of temperature in their permanent locations .
28 There would appear to be few situations when access to the premises at high level would be of value or desirable in emergencies .
29 In relation to offences involving personal violence there would appear to be little evidence from the survey to substantiate claims that Merseyside is an exceptionally violent area In relation to household crimes , however , the rate in Merseyside is substantially higher and in the case of burglary three times higher than the national average .
30 There would appear to be scope for institutions and policy makers to reduce barriers to participation particularly for the financially disadvantaged .
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