Example sentences of "[ex0] is [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 If there is good to be done they will do it .
2 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things like icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
3 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things such as icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
4 This can be most effective if this device can be dedicated to the file , but is still useful in normal multi-programming ; there is certain to be constant arm movement if the file and its high-level indexes are stored on the same device , while this is less likely if they are on separate devices .
5 In any event , there is likely to be significant variation in views as to how far one should condemn or condone this liberationist violence in the North .
6 For a more permanent path , where perhaps there is likely to be heavy foot traffic , slabs can be laid on large blobs of mortar .
7 Considering the vast range of secondary metabolites produced by fungi and bacteria , there is likely to be a huge number of potential uses in crop protection .
8 There is likely to be unease if the target is for essentials such as basic stock or textbooks , the LEA has a responsibility to ensure that even under LMS there is enough money provided from central funds to staff and equip a school .
9 There is likely to be ready agreement that experts of all varieties are to give advice based on the very same reasons which should sway ordinary people who wish to form their minds independently .
10 The Gulf crisis brought to public attention the very large numbers of non-nationals working in the Middle East states , but there are also large non-national populations in the member states of the European Community and there is likely to be a large movement of people out of the USSR and the Eastern European countries into Western Europe now that the borders are relatively open .
11 If the tests are negative at the time of the initial examination , it is quite a good idea to ask the doctor whether he thinks there is likely to be any infection present or what he believes your symptoms are due to .
12 But survival is not the same thing as reproduction a d there is likely to be a trade-off .
13 Surprisingly though , even in what has been in recent years the most buoyant sector of oil product demand — petrol — there is likely to be a gradual lowering of demand despite increased usage of cars .
14 There is likely to be a further fall in the proportion of consumption accounted for by oil by the year 2000 — some 35% of demand in that year .
15 Elsewhere , in Canada , there is likely to be VHO production from the Suncor and Syncrude plants and from VHO pilot plants only .
16 There is likely to be a widening gap in modern medicine between what is technically possible , what is financially feasible , and what is ethically justifiable or desirable .
17 Again , there is likely to be a serious breach of natural justice if a manager , after hearing an employee 's case at a disciplinary interview or appeal meeting , has a private discussion with the person who presented the case on behalf of the company , or with a witness , before reaching his decision .
18 Between a small , local shop where there is likely to be less security , and a large supermarket or department store ?
19 There is likely to be substantial increases in CPU times , although it might be possible to reduce this by a factor of 5 .
20 Systems such as RTMAS have great practical potential in those emergency situations where there is likely to be self-evacuation by the public .
21 There is likely to be much coughing , though not always and the coughing may cease .
22 It is incumbent upon the researcher to explain clearly at the very onset why the research is being done , what sort of results are hoped for and what feedback there is likely to be which may help the potentate and/or expert who has helped with the project .
23 If the unholy alliance in favour of the National Curriculum is likely to come apart at the seams over the issue of resource , so also , given the very different aspirations of those who support its introduction , there is likely to be a parting of the ways over principles .
24 In terms of both sharing the problem , and sharing the solution , there is likely to be a case for the establishment , in secondary schools at any rate , of consultative committees — with governor and parent representation - on curriculum and resources .
25 For certain types of elective operation , there is likely to be much more scope for choice in whether or not to let contracts .
26 It might , however , be the method of choice against mosquitoes in urban regions where there may be more houses than breeding places , where there is likely to be opposition to house spraying , and where the breeding places are limited and more easily identified .
27 There is likely to be a far greater appreciation of home comforts but there may also be a reluctance to answer the barrage of questions or to say much about the new life .
28 Even if they do not have thrush symptoms at the time , there is likely to be a reservoir of Candida in the vagina .
29 Thus , in a family situation , for example , if one member entertains negative and unfriendly attitudes towards another , then whenever they meet there is likely to be trouble .
30 So , if you drink four units ( is two pints of beer or two double gins ) over a period of four hours , there is likely to be only one unit or less remaining in the body when you finish .
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