Example sentences of "[ex0] is [adv] [conj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 There is more than one Roth .
2 Cables are dangerous , and where there is more than one cable it is important to keep the glider straight and well clear of any other cable .
3 This is especially evident when there is more than one sergeant and there happens to be a clash of personality and leadership style between them , although senior managers within the station are sensitive to this sort of problem and switch sergeants about when it occurs .
4 It is that there is no community to appeal to ; for the phenomenon itself is the evidence that there is more than one community , or a divided community .
5 The fact is that in some countries there is more than one party affiliated to the Socialist International .
6 There is more than one way to tackle this problem , but a very widely used and mathematically elegant technique called multi-dimensional scaling can help us .
7 There is more than one way in which animals can congregate in the dark , or in the light .
8 Actions become sign whenever there is more than one person present to read the action ( p. 18 ) .
9 The scan will show the position of the baby in the womb , and will also identify whether there is more than one child present .
10 These , again , show a remarkable variation between Slovenia , where there is clearly ‘ full employment ’ , and Kosovo , where there is more than one job-seeker for every two workers at present employed in the social sector .
11 there is more than one experience against which to test the candidate .
12 the ingredients that have been used to make it — if there is more than one
13 With these restrictions , anaphor resolution will consist of an alternation in which the focus process suggests one or more candidates at a time and the reasoner evaluates them , deciding whether they are plausible and , if there is more than one , which is the best .
14 As shown even by the very simple models here , narrowly-defined self-interest can be self-defeating once there is more than one ‘ player ’ .
15 There is more than one possible approach to setting up a tank but Paul 's advice was generally similar to ours .
16 When there is more than one parameter , other complications ensue .
17 There is more than one conflict under way in Bosnia-Hercegovina .
18 Mr Major added : ‘ It is necessary to enforce the no-fly zone but there is more than one way of doing that .
19 However , if there is more than one speaker , each has to be provided with an individual microphone , and the speech signals therefore have to be fed to the camcorder via an audio mixer ; hence , tie-clip mikes are not suitable for use with large groups of people .
20 If there is more than one speaker , a separate microphone should be provided for each .
21 If there is more than one answer , it will be easier to find one that is acceptable to both parties .
22 Where there is more than one class of non-equity share in issue , it will provide information that will enable users to assess the characteristics of each class and to understand the accounting for each .
23 There are also management implications if there is more than one tenant in a building or on a floor .
24 That you have the full and correct name and address of your debtor ( or debtors if there is more than one ) .
25 Learning that there is more than one solution to things is a valuable lesson .
26 Stopping people by asking for the time or change is a favourite mugging trick — especially when there is more than one attacker .
27 If you intend to use the language of flowers to send a message on your card or picture it might be a good idea to put a rough translation on the back or inside the card to avoid confusion , just in case there is more than one meaning for a particular flower !
28 Whatever flower you choose , it is a good idea to write the meaning next to it , in case there is more than one and your good intentions lead to a misunderstanding !
29 in addition , due to the fact that , like all livebearers , they are very sexually active , it allows the females the chance to get a rest if there is more than one for him to press his attentions on .
30 If there is more than one child in the family then a special time each is valuable .
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