Example sentences of "[ex0] should be [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The second requirement is that the EP system should support annotations , and moreover that there should be provision for several sorts of annotation , e.g. the student 's annotations explaining why he has done what he has , and the marker 's annotations commenting on the student 's work .
2 Clients may not be physically ill , but there should be provision for care in the appropriate environment if required .
3 There should be provision for practice of all skills , revision should be built in and the design of the text should be attractive and easy to read .
4 There should be scope for at least 256 instructions traced before the trigger and possibly 256 instructions traced after the trigger .
5 Williams argues in this issue that there should be scope for a third verdict ( in addition to ‘ guilty ’ or ‘ not guilty ’ of abusing market power ) , where the market situation , though not the firms ' conduct , is not conducive to competition or economic efficiency , and on this basis is to be declared to be against the public interest .
6 The committee will also be considering whether there should be representation for groups not involved in ownership .
7 There should be room for relaxation , for sport , for social and cultural activities as well as academic work .
8 There 's a special job Preston 's engaged on and I want to come to some arrangement with him — there should be room for both of us — if you would be good enough to tell me when your husband is likely to be back — "
9 Congress , I think it 's only right to draw to your attention that in item five B USDAW that at the last USDAW Conference there was a motion passed saying that there should be recognition for the independent trade union within USDAW which is ourselves , G M B Apex .
10 She had a point ; the sports clothes were in the first part of the programme — there should be time for her to change into the wedding dress for the finale .
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