Example sentences of "[ex0] would be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He silently toasted Dowd as he talked , knowing as he sipped it that there 'd be bloodshed before Christmas Day dawned .
2 And then there 'd be clothes for Anne .
3 I 'll be running the other way you 'd think there 'd be loads of people going to pubs and stuff would n't you ?
4 When we say that I do n't mean whether it 's a four or three bedroom house , I mean the sort of location it would be in , whether it would be a middle of a terrace or a middle of a string of houses , on the corner of a street or whether it would be on its own in the country somewhere or whether the back garden would back on to some playing fields or er the railway line or whether there 'd be houses at the back .
5 ‘ You did n't think we 'd arrive in this Florida place and there 'd be signs up saying ‘ This way to space ’ , did you ? ’ said Angalo sarcastically .
6 So there 'd be delay in probate unless the children have got the money , so they have to borrow against the property or they have to raise money to pay the bill .
7 The second point is that the staff and the community , with the support of the Labour group and now the Democrats , have finally got a compromise solution which may not give them everything but again gives them what is achievable within the political complexion of this council and they must now accept that there is an onus upon them to make it work and thirdly we have got to make sure that the staffing arrangements that are referred to in here and I quote there there 'd be posts for each centre who will be expected to add each with staff teams to coordinate the delivery of services by the two centres .
8 And suddenly we 'd all be in Amsterdam or Paris or something like somebody 's idea of America for the evening , or else it would still be our own dear city , but from very definitely another era , all striped Regency wallpaper and framed Angus McBean photographs of Vivien Leigh ; or another time there 'd be nothing but opera on the sound system for a whole week , there 'd be complaints of course but Madame would say , I 'm just trying to give you boys an education , and Gary at least would be very happy .
9 There 'd be money in it .
10 There 'd be breezes by the river — I could sit and think , read my dreams .
11 Er they were banking on the fact that there 'd be problems for other countries because of , you know , public perception etcetera , you know the French had decided almost all of them decided they 'd have a nuclear programme anyway so , so , so they were er o okay .
12 A. T. I used to go round and there 'd be crowds of people standing at the corners by the pub , leaning against it .
13 I do n't know but he would n't , he would n't have it cooked aboard there , my mother used to cook it for him and I 'd stagger down in an ordinary shopping basket , in two basins there 'd be vegetables in one and his pudding and gravy in the other and I used to take that down for him and he used to come ashore and he used to then go and have it .
14 Finding that broking in political power was more fun than selling milk , Horsley self-importantly told Kinnock he 'd better stick to his socialist principles after being elected Prime Minister , or there 'd be trouble from NoS .
15 Er a a and with a family row in in it as well you can imagine the work involved was a bit more than initially might have been expected and I got criticized because the bill was bigger than I had first estimated cos I did n't expect there 'd be trouble from the father .
16 She merely suggested there 'd be time for a game of spillikins before supper .
17 We had all been promised that the National Lottery money would be additional to what we receive and that there would been linkage to the funds we will obtain if all goes well and the Lottery Bill goes through Parliament in the next few months .
18 For tea , there would be splits with jam and cream , yeast cake , saffron cake and often fruit again .
19 My mother was n't too pleased either because sometimes there would be spillages on her carpets .
20 Inevitably there would be areas of the back glass left exposed , and I would use roofing slates to mask these to a height of 10in or more , to prevent flash reflections when taking photographs .
21 That there would be areas within those sectors which would be suitable for a new a new settlement .
22 In every city that Easter Sunday , I was told there would be sermons on patriotism ( ¡ Viva el Peru ! ) ; national and civic pride would be celebrated .
23 I would suggest that there would be logic in both the other spokespersons attending this conference .
24 There would be advantage in designing these units to occupy positions on the external face of a building to facilitate ventilation after discharge of the extinguishment .
25 The actuarial profession believes that there would be benefits for both directors and supervisors if there were a formal requirement for an actuarial certificate in respect of the claims reserves .
26 There would be benefits in the UK from a lower price and higher output provided that the domestic monopolists ' marginal cost curve lay above MC2 .
27 In earlier decades it had been generally agreed that there would be benefits from standardisation , but with the benefits accruing variously to consumers , undertakings generally and appliance manufacturers , while the costs fell on the non-standard undertakings alone , there had been a failure to agree on finance for a common scheme .
28 There would be three phases of talks : first , there would be discussions between the constitutional parties in Northern Ireland , focusing on devolution and power sharing ; then meetings between the Northern Ireland parties and the Irish government in Dublin ; and finally , talks between the governments in London and Dublin .
29 There would be discussions about where to put the access roads , how much disruption would be caused , what the buildings looked like , but little more .
30 There would be mist on the river and the saltings later , but for the moment it was clear , and utterly peaceful .
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