Example sentences of "[ex0] have n't been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
2 But there is one complaint , so far this year , there has n't been much about her — no pictures and information .
3 Mr Chairman I , I mentioned that whilst welcoming the report , erm our motion is to say is , is of a more general nature , we 're looking at the , what is really has er greater standing for financial costs and other practical difficulties involved in increasing the proportion of waste erm who acts as that recycled in the County and apparent progress in meeting government recycling are not being too much and what needs a job and whilst we recognise that responsibility with this requires primarily with the District Council rather than County Council as their question of authority erm it 's an area that we have n't had much erm , the , there has n't been perhaps to the environment committee for some , some time now and I would like to s to actually look at this , look at this again because it is a fairly fast moving , ch changing area , so erm this really is then more of a general , general information and to look at it again .
4 No , I do n't think that had a great deal to do with it , erm it was question that when the town was designed the , there had n't been this sudden burst in living standards .
5 Mildred , however , had been given a rather dim-witted tabby because there had n't been quite enough black ones to go round .
6 There had n't been much in the way of affection to steal .
7 There had n't been so much of that though the last few years .
8 See th history of the union is I mean er but er you know it 's a it 's a process is n't it in in a way the management have are probably really kicking themselves now for what 's happened you know I mean , their li latest statement is er , Well if there had n't been so much ou outside interference I 'm sure we 'd have been able to settle .
9 In oth other words , there have n't been particularly good value acquisitions that are strategically suitable for us .
10 I arrived home just before midnight , the Institute beckoning early next morning to share my moment of glory ( there have n't been too many of those with my beloved , knowing how proud she would be of her hero ! !
11 I do n't recall the good times I 've had at Wembley with anything like the same frequency — not just because there have n't been as many of them ( my personal Wembley record is played ten , won two , lost eight ) , but because when you support a football team , misery is the only currency that can purchase real ecstasy .
12 If there have n't been any it has been a pretty poor day 's play . ’
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