Example sentences of "[ex0] be [pron] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 The PLAYER stands with huge , terrible eyes , clutches at the wound as the blade withdraws : he makes small weeping sounds and falls to his knees , and then right down : While he is dying , GUIL , nervous , high , almost hysterical , wheels on the TRAGEDIANS ) If we have a destiny , then so had he — and if this is ours , then that was his — and if there are no explanation for us , then let there be none for him ( The TRAGEDIANS watch the PLAYER die : they watch with some interest .
2 Auxilliary nurses do not go on any courses so there were none for him to take .
3 Marie bought loads of cat food before she left , so there 's plenty for him .
4 ‘ I think it is very important to encourage younger women to see that it is possible to combine a career with having a family , that you do n't miss out on your children — my son wakes up every Saturday so excited that it 's the weekend , not because he does n't have a lovely time during the week , but because there 's nothing for him quite like his parents . ’
5 There 's nothing for him to do , is there ?
6 Her husband , Prince George of Denmark , was a large , hard-drinking , notoriously dull ex-soldier , of whom Charles II had observed , ‘ I 've tried him drunk and I 've tried him sober but there 's nothing in him . ’
7 And if there 's something about him that would be useful if I knew , please will he tell you , to tell me . ’
8 Presumably , then , there is something for Him to be jealous of !
9 And yet there is something about him , a crude glint or an unexpected flicker in a cave , that may well betray genius .
10 Benedick stays in prose , however , after the overhearing — perhaps there is something in him truly resistant to romance — whereas Beatrice moves up to verse after her duping ( II.i.107–16 ) .
11 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light , and there is nothing in him to make him stumble .
12 There is plenty for him , ’ observed Dorothy , ‘ wherever he looks on the carpet . ’
13 There was nothing for him but a painful irony in their raucous clamour .
14 Incidentally , there was nothing for him from Paris this month .
15 There was nothing for him to do now until Kynaston had finished .
16 There was nothing for him to say .
17 He pulled the door to behind him — he was reasonably certain there was nothing for him to see in the engine-room anyway — and stooped to examine the three dead men .
18 There was nothing for him to do except settle down to some work .
19 There was nothing for him to do but play cards , which was allowed .
20 She 'd reassure him over and over that she was fine , she was safe , there was nothing for him to worry about , and Ashdown would then ring Joe and pass along anything new or helpful that he 'd been able to pick out of the conversation .
21 But there was nothing for him to see .
22 There was nothing about him that was n't unpleasant .
23 There was nothing about him he could understand , nothing of which he could be sure .
24 There was nothing under him but thin air and the abyss of bankruptcy .
25 There was nothing on him but an extraordinary collection of live ammunition — rifle bullets . "
26 And erm they started to develop the land all round Joe 's cos there was nothing behind him , only fields .
27 His voice had a hollow echo to it , as if there was nothing inside him .
28 His second came at the ticket booth , where there was no-one for him to show his first-class ticket to .
29 What prompted her to invite him she could not have explained , but there was something about him — an air of loneliness , perhaps , though it was more than that — which made her suddenly want to tell him that he could rely on her friendship .
30 He was never going to be Pavarotti , but there was something about him that made him great . ’
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