Example sentences of "[ex0] be [no cls] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Er there was er I think there were thr I think there were three killed in Street , three people in a , killed in a house in Street .
2 Erm and you know there 's er you know really er it 's something that we 're not the only ones who make the decision .
3 There 's n I doubt if there are any tenants who are n't aware of their right to buy and there 's there are in fact plenty of private mortgage lenders around ready to sort erm try and persuade tenants that they can go ahead and buy their homes .
4 Erm like to decorate a house well no let's say in in a factory , there 's erm they 've a rush order , they want to get some stuff out and they 're going to need another hundred and twenty man hours .
5 There 's erm I know they 'd be , probably be better quality but there are nine , I think it is , advertised in today 's paper that say , erm for er eleven ninety nine .
6 Because on the joist up right at the top near the side of the house , the brickwork , there 's erm I do n't well I ca n't describe them but cocoons or something like that .
7 Copenhagen yes sorry there 's existing ones but there 's there 's erm I think Malaysian and is it Denmark , somebody like that
8 And Easter , whether we 're here or not , there 's erm I think there 's that train coming through here it is the model railway exhibition in York .
9 Yeah there 's erm I think that 's seven is it ?
10 No , you ca n't , there 's erm I see .
11 Erm so there 's s I think there 're about ten major things that we discussed erm what is psychology , research methods , psychoanalytical approaches , cognitive and information approaches or approach there , perception , memory , learning behaviourism , attribution and groups .
12 No the , we 're moving about a bit now , there 'll be an element of long-line but there is er I know a lot of ladies will be relieved to know , there is a shorter length coming back in .
13 I totally agree that there is er I think , probably a need for seminar , you know , it 's an area , it 's er , it 's changing , you know , all the time .
14 I mean there is erm we 've s we 've stopped there let's go working from this way S is that that 's that that 's that .
15 Erm however he 's saying that you know where , where there is erm you know , pe peasant erm associations basically that they are trying to , you know , get together , club together and make sure that say the surcharge of , of each of land erm is at least being re reduced or abolished .
16 Th I mean there is th you have a charter here as well presumably ?
17 Er but there was er She come here with them people and the they kept that big and they forget and after they had died and they she went across the road to the the this here now .
18 He was another character er there was er I remember they used to have a lot of socials and things at the church you know , it was very well attended I suppose in those days .
19 Er i it was alright if the man took precautions but if the woman did n't take precautions there was er I mean the man did n't , there was nothing the woman could do at all about it .
20 Er there was er I think there were thr I think there were three killed in Street , three people in a , killed in a house in Street .
21 Er no I really , oh they came , there was ne you see there , there was a lot come in at what we call up there .
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