Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb -s] been [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 Clinton 's second allegation , that there has been collusion between the security forces and Protestant para-military groups , is based on a very few isolated cases in which part-time members of the Ulster Defence Regiment ( UDR ) have been found guilty of passing on sensitive information .
2 Clearly at the state of the talks with the T & G , we still have a long long way to go to reach this new goal and there 's a strong rumour that there has been discussions between Sir John Edmunds and Lord Bill Morris the name of the new union already and I think an apt title for the union at the moment would be Yugoslavia because we 're in ethnic groups , we are sections , we 've got the boiler makers who are still claiming things they lost ten years ago when they merged .
3 There has been acrimony between the two men ever since .
4 According to Dugald Mackie , until recently a senior administrator at Strathclyde University , there has been tension between accountability and autonomy as the introduction of new management systems has worked itself out throughout Scotland .
5 This is because there has been combustion between the burning object and the item damaged by fire .
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