Example sentences of "[ex0] [was/were] to be no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There were to be no aisles , crosses or altars ; the pulpit must be against the end wall facing the congregation .
2 After the Poema there were to be no more serious attempts to re-tell the life of El Cid with any fidelity to actual events .
3 There were to be no Cup ties .
4 There were to be no negotiations with Willingdon .
5 There were to be no male heirs for Thomas — indeed , he was to father only one robust child who would survive into old age , as we shall see shortly .
6 There were to be no mechanical or electrical improvements .
7 There were to be no more transactions with them .
8 There were to be no less than 2,000 uniformed Blackshirts , marching and parading as the advance guard of revolution .
9 Events after 1969 shows that Nixon intended to continue the use of America 's great influence and power ; but there were to be no more Vietnams .
10 Buzz had warned Clare that there were to be no more arguments , and now all Elinor had to do was get well .
11 This year there were to be no festivities , however meagre .
12 From this point on , there were to be no more magazines , nor any news of any kind — even on our third anniversary in April , until after Brian 's release more than a year later .
13 Though it grated on their code of hospitality , the island hosts then decided there were to be no more gifts of food or drink , no more counselling or mapping , no more lending of labour , or advice .
14 Worse still , she had apparently issued instructions before her appearance ‘ that there were to be no topical references , no jokes and minimal body contact ’ .
15 There were to be no excuses for him returning .
16 ‘ I thought I said there were to be no unaccompanied flights ? ’ she snaps .
17 Noel explains why the number is so small : ‘ When we took on this responsibility it was made clear that there were to be no extra funds specifically for underwater archaeology .
18 Smith and Cusack then had shots blocked in another goalmouth scramble , but there were to be no more real goal attempts by Darlington after that .
19 Whereas similar provisions in other countries were mainly designed to provide facilities which could or could not be used , the Irish ones were to be compulsory and there was to be no choice of doctor .
20 There was to be no eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation this time .
21 For Kylie , however there was to be no looking back .
22 What prompted blunter speaking we do not know , but there was to be no lack of plainness in the English memorandum drawn up on the 31st .
23 There was to be no escape .
24 But there was to be no resting , particularly with Jeffrey Archer keeping an eye on the time .
25 Those in Norfolk , Northamptonshire and Suffolk were to remain but the tutors in Bedfordshire and the Cambridgeshire area were to be withdrawn and there was to be no replacement for the one in Essex who had resigned in the previous year .
26 Furthermore , there was to be no ‘ promiscuous dancing ’ , which meant men and women … together !
27 There was to be no repetition of the disaster two years previously in 1896 , when a crowd in excess of 60,000 had spilled on to the pitch .
28 There was to be no ‘ acting tough or noisy ill-discipline ’ ; toughness was to be reserved for the enemy .
29 There was to be no embarkation leave , of course , because of the obvious necessity of preserving secrecy about the date of the invasion of north-west Europe .
30 There was to be no opposition , the Syrians said .
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