Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb mod] be [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You did n't tell me that there may be two signatories on the cheque .
2 There may be two bystanders , but they really , you do n't think they made any particular difference to the way the conversation went , so you might pick out relationships in general , or topic , or something else , but pick out the things that you think being significant in the conversation , and describe them .
3 However , Mill is usually understood as holding that there may be two pleasures of which the less pleasant is the better in virtue of its higher quality , and that it is then morally more important to promote it than the other .
4 There may be three reasons why court proceedings follow the Children 's Hearing .
5 As a result , some legs may step in pairs or there may be three legs in motion at once — two on one side of the body and one on the opposite side .
6 The obvious , although unpalatable , conclusion is that there must be two universes , one for each of the electrons .
7 The people who took it round tended to assume that in a house of four storeys there must be two families : some of them would leave four copies .
8 For Public Relations there must be two elements in the package , creativity and originality .
9 Referring to Figure 5 , it will be seen that there must be two places , one on either side of the tip of the extra sheet , where the atoms are distorted to an angle which approximates to the theoretical shearing strength of the crystal .
10 We need to liaise with Europe as a city but there must be three provisos .
11 The African National Congress from which the PAC split in 1959 , has agreed that a transitional government should be established this year and that there should be five years of power-sharing between major parties after the country 's first one man , one vote elections sometime next year .
12 There should be five psychologists and one assistant at Maidstone Prison , but recruiting difficulties mean that two psychologist posts are vacant at present .
13 Indeed , John Knox was later to claim that after Beaton had cried into the dying king 's ear that there should be four regents , with himself as principal , ‘ a dead man 's hand was made to subscribe a blank ’ .
14 ‘ It sends out the wrong signal that there should be two groups on the board of directors — the doers and the checkers , ’ said Peter Morgan , the IoD 's director general .
15 Resolved that this meeting concurs in Apinion [ sic ] with the said Committee — that it will be necessary to carry on the Business of this Institution as perfectly as possible , that there should be two Professors appointed & that as soon as the proposed plan for the College is executed , which , from the Encouragement already given , 't is hoped will be speedily accomplished — The members will avail themselves of the Offer made by the Committee and refer the Merits of Candidates for the second professorship to their investigation .
16 There should be two heaters — not heaterstats — in this tank , ideally governed by an external thermostat so that if one overheats they are switched off , and if one fails the other will probably maintain a safe heat .
17 Sign it , so there should be two signatures in that little bit of number three .
18 This in turn prompted a reconsideration of the proposal , rejected in its Working Paper , that there should be two degrees of indecent assault .
19 Is it right that there should be two classes of old people in this important respect ?
20 But the difficulty with this discussion is that it lacks a firm point of reference because it can not be taken for granted that there should be two levels of offence , rape and procuring sex by threats .
21 However , I feel there should be two grades because of the difficulty of actually getting the game started with one service in some areas of junior or park tennis .
22 This would then mean that there should be 12 teams or thereabouts each dealing with a particular geographic area of the Region for all aspects of Council Tax .
23 After qualification , the recommendations of the Royal College of Physicians lay down that there should be three years of general training , including general medicine , neurology , and rheumatology , with , if possible , some ophthalmology , dermatology , and psychiatry , followed by four years of higher training in the specialty itself .
24 There 'll be nine horses from each country .
25 The exam paper 's two hours , there 'll be six questions on it and you will have to do three essays , right ?
26 And after the shocking recent performances , including the 10-9 defeat by London Irish , there 'll be five changes in the side .
27 There 'll be eight games from Good Friday to Easter Sunday , with accommodation and between-venues travel for those seeking it and ground hoppers social evenings on Friday and Saturday .
28 So there 'll be two sides of it c er
29 Yes there 'll be two years between all of them .
30 Erm there 'll be seven lectures on this subject and that 's a fair number of course but it 's not enough to cover the full range of things that I 'd want normally to talk to you about and so what I 'm going to do is to aim to introduce you to some of the central concepts of foreign policy , of ways of analysing it , of the models that are used , the ideas erm er surrounding foreign policy and also to illustrate these with examples .
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