Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb past] [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As early as the 1860s there had begun a phenomenon that has since become endemic in advanced industrial societies : in a word , recession .
2 Even before Tokugawa rule , however , there had begun a shift away from direct land entitlements towards a system of stipends payable by the lord to his followers .
3 There had emerged a leader who taught his army to distinguish the real from the imaginary and the possible from the impossible .
4 Would you believe it , the Africans there had formed a brass band and played all Irish tunes !
5 This also meant that at the opposite pole of this evolutionary sequence there had existed a stage which was the exact opposite , a stage when men or women paired freely with whoever they took a fancy to , irrespective of any rules or regulations .
6 The primary legend of Atlantis seems to have started in the fourth century BC , when Plato wrote that Solon , who had lived a century or so earlier , had visited Egypt and there had been told by a priest that , once upon a time , there had existed a continent beyond the Pillars of Hercules ( that is , the Strait of Gibraltar ) .
7 WHEN THE SIGNALS to cease battle had been exchanged , and there had come a respite in the noise , and the smoke was curling lazily into the blue where clouds flocked and billowed , the islanders fell back and took stock of their situation .
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