Example sentences of "[ex0] [be] a [letter] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No tomorrow night there 's a P T A at Allyson Street .
2 If you have a group of parents who want something particular from a school and are going to organise themselves into a group to pressurise that school , they 'll do it whether there 's a P T A there or not .
3 I 'm gon na start with the support for trade unions small item twenty six thousand pounds to the NALGO project , there 's a G M B budget but that 's all nearly all paid for out of direct services we do n't want to touch that .
4 And now it goes up again because there 's a V A C Onyx standard , that 's an Onyx standard machine .
5 And there 's a V A T , V A C twenty expanded which has more gadgets on it .
6 So we start off by saying it 's based on propane there 's an O H group so it 's a propanol the O H is on carbon number one of that chain so it is a propane one O L.
7 Yeah , okay so there 's an H C L and we 've got to get the N A from something , that 's the acid and now we need an alkali .
8 There 's an S L O's meeting on the twenty eighth of March
9 Right , they do n't change much as a result of the degrees of freedom er adjustment okay with er squared distribution yes , sort of different distribution but we interpret the tables in exactly the same way so if you just have a look on your screen erm , there 's an L M version of the serial correlation test , right , and that has a squared distribution one right and the test statistic we obtain on your screens is calculated in two point eight eight , no two point zero eight .
10 The , the U K pension charge will er er er go up to the extent that pensionable salaries go up , there 's a standard surplus being amortized au fait gently rising pension , I mean there 's obviously there 's an X percent of pensionable salaries is what the will tell you will have to provide and er er not much more at the moment er therefore the charge will go up a little bit but not , not gradually and it 's not much .
11 Also on the handset you 'll see , there 's an R button , a hash button and a star button .
12 If you 're on a motorway it 's , it 's maybe it 's before you , every mile on a motorway there is an S O S phone box okay ?
13 All the time when there is an H I V antibody test it must be with informed consent from the patient or staff member .
14 This process is repeated until there is an x i j = 1 in every row i .
15 Yeah er if you , what was on tonight was er on the , there was a T V programme on tonight called What the Papers Say and the editor Alistaire Campbell was on tonight , he is actually quite left-wing and this paper will , is actually quite vehement about the government , much more than the Sun would ever be , it 's quite interesting , yet that is owned by Murdoch , but I have to say that I think that is only because Murdoch is n't liked in that way since to have
16 Nex anyway it 's quite near Portsmouth and we heard that the first Queen Elizabeth ship , they do n't say it 's the first but they call this one the Q E Two but there was a Q E One , you see at one time and so we took a coach from there to Southampton because we heard that she was in dock there and so we went and there were crowds of people and all in a queue waiting to go in .
17 There was a M F I along
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