Example sentences of "he a bit " in BNC.

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1 I do n't mind saying I do n't blame him a bit !
2 But I never forgot the name McCloy and when Charlie got so cocky in the pub I thought I 'd needle him a bit .
3 The two hundred and forty-seven pounds of weight have made him a bit short of breath .
4 Clarissa could only say glumly that according to the newspapers , the Finns were doing very well at any rate , and how mean Charles 's officers were not to give him a bit more Embarkation Leave .
5 I think this gave him a bit of heart .
6 It worried him a bit , but it was n't here that he looked nervous and gave me reason to be concerned .
7 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
8 We 've experimented with him a bit over the years , and I think we 've got it about right now . ’
9 J. decided he wanted a photograph of me , and although I did tease him a bit about this — what did he want a photograph of me for when I was there in front of him most of the time ? — at his insistence I finally went and had it done .
10 They gave him a bit of consultancy work for the first year , but after that he did n't know what he would do .
11 Billy looked at him a bit old fashioned .
12 It got him out of the house , gave him a bit of exercise , kept him young .
13 He tends to join the Leicester ladies , who mother him a bit … is that what you want to know ? ’
14 I do find him a bit wet after David Owen
15 Push him a bit and under Mario the American driver you 'll always find the Italian kid who wanted to make good in grand prix racing .
16 ‘ But I could do him a bit of harm .
17 Put him on the telly , give him a bit of limelight and away goes our Colin !
18 Sometimes his Spidergob mates gave him a bit of a skragging on account of it ; not like what you 'd skrag a Mad Dog or a Scarface , if you ever got the chance , ‘ course .
19 ‘ He 's going to do some errands for me so I thought it only fair to give him a bit of food . ‘
20 Then the bruiser produced a letter , the bearded man gave him a bit of a stony look , but took it and put it in his wallet .
21 I mean and and he he feels that er pressure groups like ourselves are very positive because it gives him a bit of weight when he 's arguing for things .
22 I had to explain him a bit first , because from meeting me you would n't necessarily be able to tell what my best friend was like , and Oliver can get up people 's nostrils .
23 Lieutenant Stapleton had managed to recognize Louise without too much trouble , though her appearance had given him a bit of a surprise .
24 Even though he 'd gone , I saw him a bit , he 'd visit me and the kids whenever it suited him .
25 Give him a bit of tone , as it were .
26 I am saying this to show you the other side of Basil — this firmness — this absolute integrity — if you believe in a thing lie would say , even if it made him a bit unpopular , which I think is marvellous .
27 She had found him a bit too inclined to enthuse , like a tourist visiting some primitive culture , while Polly was ‘ tense ’ .
28 ‘ And it might have done him a bit of good . ’
29 ‘ Just give him a bit of time .
30 Slowly , disconnectedly , prompted by him , I told him a bit about Alison ; remembering his frankness the night before , produced some of my own .
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