Example sentences of "he stated that " in BNC.

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1 He stated that during this period he was interrogated and beaten on a daily basis .
2 Watching actors in animal costume making their sophisticated jokes was like proof of anthropologists ' statements , as typified by Frazer in that same conclusion to The Dying God , where he stated that serious rites had become idle amusement , mummeries , and childish games .
3 In a letter to the bishop he stated that he intended to appoint himself lay reader for the parish , to stick to the King James Bible and the Cranmer Prayer Book and to preach to himself ( and the sheep ) High Tory sermons ; so please would His Grace tell the neighbours to go stick their heads in their fonts .
4 He stated that his purpose had been ‘ to ascertain the character and function of Mind as the organising principle in Evolution .
5 He stated that in the political Intergovernmental Conference there were three main objectives .
6 He stated that the British were not persuaded by the move for major changes in the institutional balance within the Community and ruled out the proposals for giving the European Parliament the right of co-decision over the Council of Ministers on legislative matters .
7 He stated that , at several times during the following hours , Mr Oliver had been clear-thinking and articulate .
8 He stated that a man with an accent had been to his shop at about 1.30pm on 22 June .
9 In answer to a prosecution question , he stated that he did hear indistinct gunfire , but had thought no more of it .
10 He stated that the loading list would follow .
11 When the spy returned he stated that there were roadblocks and minefields on all approaches to Benghazi .
12 In referring to L Detachment , he stated that ‘ it has had conspicuous success in the past and its morale is high . ’
13 The Minister ( Sir Edward Boyle ) announced that this would take place in 1970/1 and wrote a remarkable preface to the published text in which he stated that ‘ the essential point is that all children should have an equal opportunity of acquiring intelligence , and developing their talents and abilities to the full ’ .
14 In a letter to the British Medical Journal in 1938 on the treatment of pneumonia he stated that sulphapyridine was active against pneumococci only when helped by leucocytes , and ( true to the tradition of Almroth Wright ) its action was improved if anti-pneumococcal serum was administered at the same time .
15 This point was made even clearer in a later case involving the Chief Justice , in which he stated that a ‘ breach of the Act or the Code did not mean that any statement made by a defendant after such breach would necessarily by ruled out .
16 The Victorian historian Macaulay may well have been right when he stated that the Cornish , ‘ … a fierce , bold and athletic race , among whom there was a stronger provincial feeling than in any other part of the realm ’ , were not so much concerned with the matter of religious principle on which Bishop Trelawney had made his stand ; Trelawney was ‘ … reverenced less as a ruler of the Church than as the head of an honourable house and the heir , through twenty descents , of ancestors who had been of great note before the Normans had set foot on English ground ’ .
17 He stated that the many foreigners who had worked with the impressive radio facilities of ‘ The Voice of China ’ in or near Chungking would shortly be leaving ; Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was in need of an experienced professional broadcasting executive to assist in continuing broadcasts from China on medium-wave internally , and on short-wave to the world .
18 He stated that there should be reception rooms capable of taking nearly fifty guests for dinner parties to celebrate birthdays , and ‘ occasionally upon the arrival of Foreign Princes in this country ’ .
19 He stated that , ‘ it was not well for a Government succeeding to power to reverse without very good reasons the decisions of their predecessors , especially with respect to matters of art and the construction of public buildings ’ .
20 He stated that it was his intention to start a Salisbury delivery but great-grandmother said that whilst she would n't change , her daughter who was about to marry might be interested .
21 He stated that he had met too many people who had become mentally disturbed by playing about with ideas and activities which have done them deep emotional damage .
22 Indeed he stated that ‘ urban units seem to be to the process of reproduction what the companies are to the production process ’ ( 1977 , p. 237 ) .
23 To this meeting the Professor presented a surprising memorandum in which he stated that he had been calumniated both with respect to his private character and his professional abilities , and requesting that committees should be appointed immediately to enquire into the matter and report .
24 He stated that ‘ experimental committees , public reports on the workings of the institution , legal injunctions of the council , were soon assigned to the ominous alphabet of dead letters … he enjoyed the privileges of undivided authority , nay , of despotism and great wealth ’ .
25 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
26 In 1796 he published an article in which he stated that there were three ways in which to approach the treatment of disease :
27 He stated that , because matters relating to the issue in question were sub judice , it would be very difficult to meet with the Parents ' Committee .
28 In considering the case of B Ltd , he stated that it was easier to conclude that the mezzanine platforms were plant as the four platforms had been installed at different times , covered only 60% of the floor area and one had actually been dismantled .
29 After reference to the unfortunate existence of the BSP , he stated that it had been completely destroyed by amalgamation into the Communist Party ‘ pledged to follow the Bolshevist dictatorship of Lenin' .
30 Pro-Europeans were no happier as he stated that sterling would not go back into the ERM until changes were made .
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