Example sentences of "he to go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Alton 's back row combined to give club captain Dave Osborne — playing in the centre — a try and then Malcolm Osborne flipped an overhead pass to flanker Alan Purdon for him to go over between the posts .
2 Shall I get him to go over ?
3 When they lock the man up with Jim and John and Henry and Mary and Dolores and Grace — I hope they will give him access to books , with paper enough for him to go on making translations for us from the classics such as we have never seen except at his hands in our language .
4 He received an internal phone call from Muldoon , who told him that McGillicuddy wanted him to go on to Dublin immediately .
5 She told herself off for not being attentive enough , for not finding the right words to encourage him to go on .
6 She waited for him to go on
7 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
8 Augustus Melmotte , the rich entrepreneur hero of the book , feared his debts would not allow him to go on living anywhere , and killed himself .
9 I waited for him to go on , but Reid said nothing more and it left a moment of awkward silence between us .
10 She waited for him to go on .
11 She told him to go on ahead , that she did n't want a ride .
12 ’ His courage wavered as the two of them continued to stare at him , each daring him to go on .
13 They all wait for him to go on , while appearing as if they do not care whether he goes on or not .
14 She only wanted him to go on dancing till he dropped .
15 Folly hardly dared breathe , willing him to go on .
16 She wanted him to go on , but he did n't , so she simply sat and dreamed and let her mind go floating out into the grey April morning towards the gulls and the sky and the sea .
17 He wanted his son to be a champion , and he did everything he could to force him to go on racing against his better judgement ! ’
18 Amused query in her eyes , she indicated for him to go on .
19 He simply wanted him to go on sitting there .
20 Her heart began to beat a little quicker and she waited for him to go on .
21 He began to nibble the lobe of her ear and seemed lost for a moment until she gave him a little shake to encourage him to go on and explain .
22 And it was right for John Gummer , Minister for Agriculture , to be regularly , some might say infuriatingly , optimistic : ‘ It would be quite wrong for him to go round wringing his hands . ’
23 He had asked me for a photograph of myself when I was young and I had told him to go around and get it from Mandy .
24 ‘ She thinks it 's bad for him to go up there , the North , he really hates that country —
25 Though an individual pupil may be in his fourth-year class as far as the administration of the school goes , and as far as concerns his social activities or his out-of-school interests , the school must be prepared for him to go off and study the syllabus required for his graded tests alongside people who are not in his own year .
26 ‘ Therese does n't want him to go off to paint the Belgian ambassador 's wife . ’
27 And Mihal 's goblin nagged at him to go off in search of weapons and warfare .
28 On Saturday , Payton fluffed a simple chance then regained his composure to score the goal that ensured victory and finished up having to change his jersey because it was stained with the blood of a cut that required him to go off temporarily for stitches .
29 He asked Zoe if she wanted him to go in with her .
30 His work prospered ; at the end of the first year he won the Literary Medal , and a cash prize which enabled him to go down and visit his mother .
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