Example sentences of "he simply [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He might be annoyed for a moment to find his prey had fled , but there was nothing to stop him simply making the best of a bad job and having a weekend 's skiing .
2 You took the job with him simply to clear up a mystery .
3 The armed robber might say that he had no intention of using the firearm , that he carried it with him simply to frighten the victim , and that it went off accidentally : if the jury believes that , should he be convicted of murder ?
4 My response to him simply proved that . ’
5 But , of course , his attack was very much on-target if he simply wished to attack those elements of the media that were least favourable to his own party and government .
6 He simply wished that he did n't have to contend with the unspoken supposition that the two of them were hiding up there on the Step and banging away like a couple of baboons , which he saw in the eyes of more than one person who wished him good morning when he went into town to pick up his mail .
7 As Burnett had been told nothing about the MI6 operation , he simply rejected Kotov 's complaint as a typical piece of Russian propaganda .
8 He simply observed , rather wearily , that if Gentle 's word was worth so little after all the effort he , Klein , had put into finding work for him , then it was perhaps best that they end their business relationship now .
9 He simply taps his helmsman , multiple world champion Buddy Melges , on the shoulder and says : ‘ Are we far enough ahead for me to steer yet ? ’
10 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
11 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
12 Basil did not preach on such matters ; he simply set high standards for teachers to emulate .
13 He simply waited for sinners to return to him .
14 He simply does n't believe in it .
15 He simply does n't have a phone so we 'll be sending one out to him very soon .
16 But he simply does not come to grips with the genuine political and cultural difficulty of establishing effective institutions for research in applied sciences , such as agriculture and medicine , which can not be seeded entirely by individual commitment and talent .
17 Reply : The Premier 's deputy secretary Jonathan Haslam replied : ‘ As I am sure you appreciate , particularly after recent events , the PM 's schedule is such that he simply does not have time to contribute to your magazine .
18 ‘ He 'll coast , looking for an opening but the annoying thing is that sometimes he simply does n't go in and take it .
19 He simply does not need to be loved , apparently , whether by his relatives or anyone else ; he does not even , at all reliably , want it .
20 When an Orc wants to do something he simply does it , where a human might spend untold time weighing the alternatives .
21 He simply looked startled — as if a worm had just lifted its head and answered him back , Carrie thought .
22 She reached out and took the bottle from his hand and turned it around to examine the label , while he simply looked at her in amazement .
23 For a while he simply looked , tracing the subtle curves of her body , his fingers not quite touching the surface of her flesh .
24 He did n't laugh , he simply looked at it carefully .
25 I 'm a designer , ’ she added when he simply looked right through her .
26 In the post-Althusserian context of today it is nevertheless somewhat startling to find the Althusser of Reading Capital citing his debt to Foucault ( along with Bachelard , Cavaillès , and Canguilhem ) as one of our masters in reading learned works'. perhaps even more unexpected , in the light of the fact that a popular British Marxist position on Althusser is that he simply turned history into theory , is the choice of Foucault 's Madness and Civilization ( ’ that great work' ) and The Birth of the Clinic as examples of the kind of history , focused on the necessity of the production of a concept , that he was advocating .
27 After a while he simply lay there , numb , half conscious , his hands making hopeless little passes in the air , until Ellwood stopped , suddenly , his arms raised , as if a connection had been broken in some terrible machine .
28 But he put up no defence ; he simply raised his hands and laid them lightly on Gentle 's shoulders .
29 He simply raised the volume of his voice slightly and continued as though she had not uttered .
30 He simply exaggerated it , bringing the ball wide round the tree on the wind as if on the proverbial piece of string .
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