Example sentences of "he point out " in BNC.

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1 Does the right hon. Gentleman recall that I , along with my hon. Friend the Member for Paisley , South ( Mr. McMaster ) , recently wrote to him pointing out that the Paisley post code area lost 76 per cent .
2 When challenged by the head gardener the Americans pretended to be a press gang , which was sufficient to set ‘ all the stout young fellows ’ on the estate running off to the town for safety , but he also informed them that their intended victim was taking the waters at Buxton , and Jones set off back to his boat , until the two officers with him pointed out that , having left Whitehaven empty-handed , the crew should at least be allowed to loot the house .
3 Tracing this back to the seventeenth century , he points out that in such times , it is ‘ always those crimes that are associated with the materially disadvantaged underclass which have provided the continuing thread within this history of respectable fears …
4 In an interview in the magazine Director to be published this week , Dr Runcie denies that there are ‘ tensions and suspicions ’ between Lambeth Palace and 10 Downing Street , but he points out that the Church of England is active in parts of the country where the Conservative Party has little support .
5 Lévy-Bruhl links rain-making with Christian practice ; writing of the aboriginal intichiuma ceremonies he points out that ‘ Nothing is more widespread than practices having as their object the cessation of drought , and the assurance of rain : ( we see this even yet in our own Rogations ) …
6 He points out how for Smith , ‘ The similarity between the average Londoner or Berliner to-day , and the average ‘ primitive man ’ … is insisted on' , and quotes from Smith 's text sentiments which reverberate throughout Eliot 's own work : ‘ There is no innate tendency in man to be progressive . ’
7 Without naming names , he goes on to outline the situations which had so interested him in the cases of the Melanesians and the Tari Furora , as he points out that to tamper with the pattern of primitive culture at one point is to endanger the whole structure .
8 I do n't have a yacht or a second home , ’ he points out .
9 He points out wryly that ‘ entrepreneur ’ is a French term and that there is no equivalent word in the English language .
10 He points out that petrol is now very cheap : if , in real terms , it were to be the equivalent price of a decade ago it would cost over £4 a gallon .
11 ‘ Otherwise , ’ he points out , ‘ there 's nothing to stop the wind between here and the Urals . ’
12 He points out that an animal 's life span is linked to its metabolic rate .
13 ( You shoot for three weeks , he points out , and three weeks later your work is being distributed to an audience larger than any cinema film short of Batman could hope to reach . )
14 He points out that such a provision bans any invasion of sovereign territory , air space and maritime zones , even where there might seem to be good grounds .
15 He points out that of some 200 applications of force by the United States , only five have been ‘ solemnified ’ ( his word ) by a declaration of war .
16 Now a left-leaning Solidarity MP with close ties to trade unionists , he points out that the only choice is between more recession and less recession .
17 He points out that AT&T 's computer business has repeatedly failed , something which even AT&T admits .
18 He points out that in 1960 , married black women could have expected to have 3.49 children ; if they had continued to reproduce at this rate , the out-of-wedlock rate among black women would have increased from 23% in 1960 to just 29% in 1987 , and gone almost unnoticed .
19 He points out that sometimes we have control over our ideas , and sometimes not : often we can set ourselves to imagine what we want ; at other times , however , as in broad daylight , ‘ it is not in my power to … determine what particular objects shall present themselves to my view ’ .
20 He points out that this was about 5% more than the level of performance during the years 1988 to 1990 .
21 Those unable to obtain off-farm income would be unlikely to carry on farming , he points out .
22 A surrounding commercial crop where the farmer used a comparatively high sowing rate has less and less podding towards the centre of the field , he points out .
23 ‘ At the front , the JBC front axle has five-stud hubs at either end , but we could n't fit standard JJCB five-stud wheels because they 're too small , ’ he points out .
24 He 's extremely cheerful , if somewhat misguided , as he points out the many features of the room , and mentions that the public rooms in the Cottage will be opened at seven o'clock .
25 As he points out , 18th-century Britons did not even define violence in our terms .
26 ‘ It was all unpaid , ’ he points out , ‘ but very useful .
27 As a member of the legal profession , he points out that the three-year limitation period on claims for injury or death does not run out until a week tomorrow .
28 He points out that the ratio of housing debt to income is historically high , while Labour 's plans would hit the average mortgage holder in the South .
29 ‘ Arazi is 60 to 70 per cent wound up for this race , ’ he points out , ‘ but we have had no interruptions in preparing him . ’
30 He points out that the pencils are notoriously difficult to get , and says the simple fact is that the judges have not seen sufficient innovation .
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